
Friday, September 11, 2009

In Remembrance

" O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!"
That is the first part of "America the Beautiful" a song that I used to enjoy singing when I was in Elementary school and I still enjoy it today.


  1. Interesting 3rd pics. What's that? They look like wheat.

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. I'm so glad to see some other posts in memory of 9/11. Your pictures are very touching.
    Sunny :)

  3. Well chosen. I'm proud to know well and enjoy the same song, even if I'm a foreigner. Great post.

  4. A bit of nostalgia is part of life. I liked that third shot shot from a very low angle and framing the flag.

    PS Thank you for the comments!

  5. sale journée, mais je pense aux survivants, qui meurent de maladie sans que l'on fasse rien du tout (j'ai un ami, gravement malade, qui était dans les tours ce sale jour....)
    bad day, but I think the survivors are dying of disease without anyone doing anything at all (I have a friend, seriously ill, was in the dirty tricks days ....)

  6. Very good !Water and skey.

  7. Beautiful photos and tribute. I remember singing American the Beautiful, too. I don't think it's sung any more in schools.... Am I wrong?

  8. I got a lump in my throat from this wonderful post. Excellent my friend :)

  9. Lovely tribute! Love the photos with the firefighters!

  10. Adorable post James!Great tribute and wonderful pictures!
    Léia :)

  11. Beautiful post. I especially love the shot of the firefighters. And the wheat with the flag in the background is pure poetry. Thanks for sharing these. Kathy

  12. The twin fountains got me.

    Such wonderful photographs. Thank you. And congratulations for your POTD mention at authorblog.

  13. I will never forget! Amen, brother James!

  14. With tear filled eyes I share with you a major HUG!

  15. perfect post for today. I especially love the first one. I’m remembering 9/11 today here’s my link Have a nice Friday!

  16. Wonderful tribute !!
    We will never forget that day...
    Very lovely words.

  17. Wow!! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!!

  18. Beautiful images James. Very nice post.

  19. well done James. I am putting you on my link list of 911 remembrances.

  20. Wonderful series, James. Very beautiful photos as well as appropriate photos.

    Poignant and sad, but with a sense of hope.

    Excellent work!

  21. PS Your first picture speaks volumes, really amazing!

  22. I've come by from Lily's place

    the first photo is amazing! the wonderful faces of the truly brave

    and the twin towers of water are hopeful

  23. Your photos and words are a splendid tribute to 9-11, James. Thanks for sharing these special images.

  24. Very moving pictures James.
    A great tribute.

  25. @ Bibi: they do, they do, at least where we live...
    The top picture helps reflect...

  26. James the first photo is so touching. I can still remember that very day. A great tribute indeed!

  27. A beautiful post James, a very touching tribute with these spectacular images. Thank you!

  28. Absolutely love these shots. This is a very nice post. Very touching!

  29. You did really good job! Very beautiful and inspiring. I remember I was 4 months pregnant with my first baby on that day - remember everything! Will never forget!

  30. Very special post! Love your amber waves of grain photo with the flag in the background. Perfect for today!

  31. a visual delight. great pics that play so well with the song. congrats on the POTD mention.

  32. Great pictures- awesome post. Thank you for taking time to remember a day that is so vividly engrained in the memories of so many Americans.

    Congrats on the POTD mention.

  33. I sometimes remember the work of these two firefighters and look again. I love the expression that I did lively that seems to begin to change at any moment.
