
Monday, October 26, 2009

Around Newtown (Houses)

Today I'm featuring some of the local houses. When I go for a walk I usually see several different styles of houses. Most of the houses are over a 100 years old and some are over 200.


  1. Looks like a lovely place to live in! Absolutely beautiful pictures!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  2. I love old houses and these are really lovely. I really like your third picture, the houses are similar but different, I especially like the one with red shutters.
    Thank you so much for your kind comments, I really appreciate them and they mean a lot to me coming from such a fine photographer as yourself.
    Sunny :)

  3. Just goes to show how well constructed they were and how much better construction was back in those days. Beautiful houses :)

  4. That porch looks a find one for sitting and a-rocking. The different style is a treasure. Nothing worse than estates where all the houses look the same.

  5. I really loved second and forth, if they really are more than 100 years of age they are amazing still some one can live in them but I loved forth one and I wish I could live there it is so nice and bye the way what is the name of those trees with red leafs?

  6. I like all these images, a pity the third has those cars. The first one with the painter in white is great, but even the porch of the last one is so inviting!

  7. They look pretty solid for 100-200 year old houses. are brick houses better or wood better? In term of keeping everyone warm during winter. Do houses still have fire-place these days?

  8. I like all the pictures here. The second house is really beautiful. I could just imagine living there.

  9. Great Images James, The first one is my favorite..

  10. I love that row of homes on the main street. Nice shot.

  11. I think you have an interesting town, and the walking on residential streets looks like fun. The variations on a theme in the third shot is pleasing.

  12. Wonderful to see them so well maintained.

  13. Nice shots. I love the feel I get when being in a part of town like that. Very nice.

  14. Thanks for these shots. I love houses, especially old houses with lots of character, and you have a wonderful selection here. Beautiful fall colors, too!

    Have a great day, James.

  15. The houses, the driveway, the gardens, everything is clean, beautiful and elegant: okay, I have chosen to live...

    Thanks, wonderful shots!

  16. What a great group of photos of beautiful houses. Thank you for sharing. I like the third photo the best. I like the brick walkways, with the old stone/brick houses.

  17. This collection of houses is absolutely fascinating. You get a real flavour of a place from its housing stock. The next nice weather we have I will try and do the same around here.

  18. They are all so pretty! The foliage isn't bad either!

  19. Hi James! Great photos as usual. When I take walks such as yours and see similar type houses, I often wonder what it would be like if we had a scrapbook of everybody who lived in those homes. What a memory book that would be.

  20. Hell James. Such gorgeous houses and blooms. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a lovely day.

  21. These are lovely houses! The red tree is to die for, all bare in the middle! Also like the painting job, just in the nick of time for winter!

  22. Hi James
    Amazing different houses :)
    Total different as in our country !
    Have a wonderful day

  23. All those houses are so perfect, cleaned, beautyful.. It's obvious that people who live there like their homes.The white one on the first picture seems to be very small!Now, I'd like to discover their inside!!

  24. Beauties all of them but the last is my fave the colors are gorgeous and I love the style. There certainly is something to be said for the way homes were built back then and the care that went into them!

  25. Hello, James.
    The color of the elegant house which matched an autumn color is very beautiful.
    Though the history may create it.

    My blog contents of this time were the Far East quite-like. Please forgive it.

    Thank you for always heartwarming works.

  26. If my daughter would see these houses, she would say, this is America! Noting how ancient they are and very well kept!

  27. We've been spending a lot of time in PA this fall and are really enjoying the stone houses. They're so beautiful!

  28. Thanks for coming,
    when you get the name of those trees please let me know, and yes they are edible, we also put them along with six other items in our new year tablecloth.

  29. Hello dear friend,
    These houses are a kind of dream, this neighbourhood is adorable with beautiful facades, gardens, Autumn's scenery and everything is perfectly clean there!I also loved those brick walls.
    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless you

  30. It's wonderfully interesting to see the antiques including houses that are still well-preserved.

  31. WOW! Excellent shots! I love looking at other people's neighbourhoods - esp. when they look nothing like mine! Thanks for sharing :-)

  32. Greetings from Australia.
    I love these photos - absolutely wonderful wonderful houses. I love old houses and buildings and could happily wander around all day. I can't decide which one I like best. You live in a very beautiful place.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  33. Yes, different styles, but, in my mind, all nice!

  34. What wonderful photos of beautiful homes. I especially liked the last photo. They all look very "welcoming".

  35. There's a comforting wholesomeness in the images of these fine homes. «Louis» gets a bit tired of the surrounding urban grit - one big reason he spends so much time gazing the the San Francisco Bay from his balcony.

  36. The first house is so funny with those two totally different styles!

  37. That is so great for me to see so many pretty houses in your blog, they are so colourful, so lovely.

  38. Those are so very different from the houses I see everyday. Looks like a beautiful place.

  39. Very colourful houses I must say!

  40. amazing houses. so historic and older than our country. very nice tour.
