
Sunday, May 17, 2009


Newtown has hundreds of these beautiful old houses, I wonder how long it will take for me to find my favorite one. They're fun to look at but I bet they are a lot of work to keep up.
I have a free day tomorrow, and the weather is supposed to be nice. Maybe I'll take the train to NYC.
I've heard from several people that summers here are brutally humid. I've spent summers in Mississippi, Texas and even the Philippines, so how bad can Newtown be?
The winters should be interesting too for these California kids. So stay tuned. :-)


  1. Wonderful know about the news!Great news!
    These houses are lovely! By the way how's the new Church?
    I don't know about the humid there but I know the worst place for it is here in Joinville - South Brazil ,the average is about 85%!

    Believe me... it is not good for my hair!:-)

    Have a wonderful week!
    God bless you

  2. If you have spent summers in those places I would guess Newton will be a breeze.

  3. I love the old houses in that area! Humidity is no worse than the other places you have lived. I hope you enjoyed your day in NYC. That is one of the things I love about living in SE PA, you can get to NYC, Balitmore, Wash DC, the beach or the mountains in three hours or less!

  4. Love this shot...older architecture is so interesting..peace

  5. Léia, I can't imagine how that must be. I bet it's hard to breath. I hope you have good air conditioning.

  6. NYC was great. I posted a few pics on something sighted. It's nice being close to so many things.

  7. James - summers are bad here, but if you've spent a summer in Mississippi, you'll be fine. I spent a summer in Louisiana, and it was MUCH worse than PA!
