
Friday, May 22, 2009


Today I took a long walk, and along the way I saw this beautiful tree, plus lots more interesting things that I'll share in the future. Vicki and I will have breakfast at a local spot that is supposed to be pretty good. I forgot to mention that our new church is a lot bigger than Calvary Chapel in Grapevine and there was a very good guest pastor (Pancho Juarez) and great music. I look forward to hearing the regualr pastor. I wish everyone a great weekend!


  1. Hello James!
    Glad to know everything is okay there!
    Wonderful tree indeed and your pictures from this lovely place are awesome!
    Have a nice weekend, enjoying your family’s company ( and the sweet friends cats! )
    God bless you

  2. Howdy, James, from the cornfields of Brookville, Ohio in the good old US of A. Thanks for the visit. I think you will love PA like I do.

  3. Hello James,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Just read your profile, you moved there I suppose the newtowndaily photo is your main blog page?

    I like the photos taken. They are neat. I always think the houses in the USA are huge (like seen on TV), well your pictures prove it right :o)

  4. Lovely red tree with that redish building. Nice composition.

  5. Hi James! Welcome to Bucks County! Glad you are settling in...I'm going to have fun seeing your pics from so close to home! It's a shame that there was a sub pastor on your first day at CCP - I'm sure he was good, but you will love Pastor Joe. He's great!
