
Friday, June 26, 2009

The Back of State Street.

This is the back of some Newtown buildings that are on State street. The brick building is the hardware store.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Enlarging the photo the brickwork is outstanding. I really like bare bricks walls, so uncommon here in modern buildings.

  2. Nice hardware store. My Grandfather owned one. It use to be the old Fire Station, well the garage part of the store was. Excellent picture. :)

  3. Fabulous colors in your Skywatch photos, James.

    The hardware looks like its a large store.

  4. Nicely done, James. I always like to see what's behind...

    By the by, you'll do well with PS Elements 7...and if you can manage it, get the book by Scott Kelby...he's about the only one I've ever found who knows how to write a book about Photoshop products!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Hello dear friend
    This building is great and I'm always fascinated about brickwork !
    purrs and love
    Luna(from Brazil) and mommy Léia

  6. Don't you just adore the skies this summer? I can't get enough of them. Sometimes I have to pull the car over and just gaze. I LOVE OUR SKIES : )
