
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Best Blog Award!

Last night I dreamed that Thom gave me an award, and when I turned on the computer this morning, guess what? Thom had an award for me! I'm really happy that he thought of me!
Mahalo Thom!
Please check out his cool blog. It's called "Thom's place 4 well whatever".

This, like most awards has some rules:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I plan on following these rules but with a twist. I'm going to take my time passing it on, and only to a few people at a time. I guess I've always been a rebel. :-)

I would now like to pass this award to the following.
Asta - Hyperenergy and other obstacles
M_M - Nowy Sacz Daily photo
Jacob - Ocala Daily Photo
Martha- Martha's Project 365
Hilda - My Manila

I enjoy, and am a follower of all of these blogs.
Check them out.


  1. I think you probably deserve it. Congratulations.
    Pick a Peck of Pixels

  2. Congratulations James, it is well deserved! Your a terrific blogger and have developed a wonderful blog. Your photos and post are always top notch.

  3. Thanks, James, for honoring us with this fine is very much appreciated...I shall post it tomorrow...but, being even more than a rebel that you, I don't pass on awards any more...just too much. Hope you understand...

    Congrats to you for receiving the award in the first place!

    Your blog is looking very nice!

    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Thank you so much for the award, James! This is really so sweet of you. And congratulations too! You know I completely agree with Thom that you fully deserve this award.

    And now on to the trivia ;)
    I had to laugh when I first saw the image of the award. I didn't know who "Jologs na Yuppie" was but I knew immediately that s/he was a Filipino. I won't bother explaining the etymology of the word, but Jologs is Pinoy slang for well, the closest translation I can think of is hoi polloi, with all its attendant negative connotations. So a yuppie hoi polloi — as contradictory as it may seems. The guy has a sense of humor. And I actually found him! The title's unique so it was easy to find. His blog's mostly in Tagalog though, but if you want to take a peek, it's at Jologs Na Yuppie ;)

  5. Congratulations and thanks a lot for this award! We are very happy you like our blog! Thanks for all your visits and comments and this award!

  6. Congratulations! Well deserved.
