
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love My Friends Award

I have two blogs, and in two days I've received an award for each from two really great blogger friends. This one is from Bogey who is in my opinion a genuinely nice and very intelligent person. I really admire his way with words and I enjoy reading his thoughtful perspectives on life, he is also honest and open. I look forward to his interesting posts, they don't always come daily, but when he does post there is substance and meaning. So please check out his View From the Fairway.
Thank you so much for this award Bogey, I hope you don't mind if I cheat on the rules by offering it to anyone who wants it, and is willing to reach out and comment on few blogs that they haven't visited before. -(I plan to do this) That's how I met Bogey he just appeared with some kind words and an award and we've been followers of each other ever since.
Happy Blogging!