
Saturday, September 12, 2009

On the Benjamin Franklin Bridge

This bridge spans the Delaware river and connects Philadelphia Pennsylvania with Camden New Jersey. When it was built in 1926 it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.

A few people asked about this bridge on my Something Sighted blog. I just happened to wander on to it the other day, but I didn't have time to walk across into Camden New Jersey. As soon as my back feels better and weather permitting I hope to cross this bridge. I've posted pictures of this bridge before and I'm sure I will again. I like the looks of it. It reminds me of when I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area while I was in the navy, lots of cool bridges there.
That's Camden in the right side of the picture a place that I have still never been.

Other posts with this bridge can be seen here, here and here.


  1. Great photo. It is a great bridge!

  2. Thanks James for answering my question. I love bridges, this looks like a fun one to walk across.
    Sunny :)

  3. This is such an awesome looking bridge. And one that would be fun to walk across I'm sure.

  4. Super shot, James! Hope you mend well and can enjoy the walk.

  5. I love these huge bridges, I could spend hours roaming on and around them!

  6. No matter how many times you post pictures of this bridge, I doubt if I'll get tired of them either. It's lovely and I really, really like its color.

    I hope your back feels better soon!

  7. Stunning view of the bridge. You've shot it very nicely! There is a recently built sea-link bridge in Mumbai. Said to be the first modern architectural wonder of India. Your photo reminds of that and inspires me to take a similar shot soon ;)

  8. Dramatic shot. Looks like a great start for a movie.

    Feel good.

  9. I love bridges where you can actually walk, this one is very nice.

  10. Fabulous Shot of the Bridge. You know... I have never walked across this bridge.. as close as I live to it, you would think I would have taken the stroll. (Too Chicken..LOL)


    Donna Marie

  11. This is a wonderful old bridge and I like your view of it, James. I agree California does have beautiful bridges and a long history of inventive ways to building them.

    Hope your back pain eases soon!
    Have Lucy give you a back ruuub, then lay on it like a heating pad:)

  12. Great shot! This really brings back alot of memories. Have a great weekend. Kathy

  13. I love the sky and the blue of the bridge. Maybe we can walk across it together. Never mind. You'll be taking too many pictures. :)

  14. I don't pay too much attention on the paint color of bridges, but I like this blue. It blended with thr dreary look of the skies.

  15. That's a nice shot James! I've been over this bridge a couple of times, but it was a long time ago.

  16. I walked the Brooklyn Bridge this past summer, and also walked the second bridge across the Tacoma Narrows in Washington (state). Done a couple here, too. Next time I'm in Philadelphia....

  17. This beautiful bridge is huge! Where were you my friend, great angle in this picture!

  18. I've never seen a blue bridge before. It's sure is amazing and it's huge :)

  19. Thanks for your visit to my blog. Your photo blogs are amazing - I love what you have done with everyday sights. I will be visiting again.

  20. Hello, James. The Benjamin Franklin bridge really resembles Kiyosu-bashi. When I watch your work, I always move to tears strangely for some reason. The reason is not because it is sad. It is because it is felt that subjects are soul-stirring works. Through them, your heart seems to be expressed. Today's work is splendid, too. Thank you very much. ruma2008
