
Monday, September 14, 2009

Philadelphia People Watching

Here we have a philosophical argument going between two of the men, one guy is passed out drunk and is either being helped or mugged by another guy. Then there is the guy sitting above it all completely oblivious trying to light a cigarette

Could this be one of Al Capone's hitmen? His black violin case is in his right hand and is just barely sticking out near his knee. He tilted it down when he saw my camera.

This guy with the matching silver bag and shoes was all about taking ten steps forward then finger snap, then five steps moon walked back and then repeat.
I didn't stick around to watch, but this sleepwalking guy just might have walked right into that pole in front of him. It actually looks like he's about to bust a limbo move.
Today I took the train to Philadelphia. I love taking pictures of buildings and bridges and I did, but there are also lots of interesting people in this city. I was on the look out for people that I found interesting. Like the boy in the "cage" over at my Something Sighted blog, and the people in the pictures above.

I actually met a really interesting person his name is Ikru, and I plan to feature him in a post soon.

To see other My World Tuesday posts please click here.


  1. There is nothing like people watching. I enjoyed your commentary, too.

  2. Hi James,
    People watching is the best! I only wish you had gotten a video of the silver bag/shoe guy moonwalking!

  3. Oh, yes! People watching is indeed the very best! And your shots are fantastic! The look on the face of the guy in the straw hat is priceless! Terrific post, James!

    Have a great week!


  4. These are great, James! I couldn't help but smile the whole way through!
    Fun shots! You did well!

  5. Very cool, I love people watching. Has anyone ever complained about you taking their photo? I suppose most of them are oblivious.

    Good shots! Love the guy with the straw hat.

  6. Love your photos James.
    Each of these tell a different and interesting story.
    thanks for sharing!

  7. James, you made me laugh! This is funny and you many and countless interesting posts. No 1 in human interest. My best on is the first!

  8. I've always loved people watching but I love how you've gone a step further with your stories! Fun!

  9. Hey that dude stole my purse! (Kidding!)
    These are really excellent pictures. I love to people watch.
    Sunny :)

  10. Hi James
    Photos tell quite a story all by themselves, and it's fascinating to then read your "rest of the stories" and theories.

  11. superb captures and wonderful text too!

  12. superbe série, tu nous montres tout l'univers des rues de ta ville, j'adore
    superb series, you show us the universe streets of your city, I love

  13. People watching is soooooo FUNNY :)
    Fantastic shots !!

  14. I love what you captured here. That city is just wonderful for the range of people it holds. Really is something to see. Thanks for sharing the color and life.

  15. LOL funny and cool shots! I bet those guys at the first shot can't go home alone! They really need some help! ;)

  16. What a collection of people! I too like to people watch. Thanks for sharing your photos and your part of the world.

  17. Great! Unbelievable! Funny! I have been staring at these 'portraits' for a while and can't say which I like more. Very good choice and catch!

  18. You have a great collection of interesting folks. I am always nervous they will see me and chase me down! LOL. I love to people watch though! Maybe I will get brave!

  19. What a nice set of people pictures James. That guy in the second picture is really giving you a stern look!

  20. There is nothing better to do than people watch and these so capture that magic :) Well done

  21. Oh I love to people watch. What a great post and the photos as always are great.

  22. You sure have interesting people to watch in Phily. As much as I like to watch I rarely take people pics. Great captures.

  23. People watching is only second to people-photographing ;<)

    These are all great shots, especially when you know details, like for the moonwalking chap.

  24. You hgave some WEIRD characters in that city of yours!! They don't seem to mind you take their picture, or do they?

  25. People watch is of great fun!
    nice shots!
    I think Ikru is from Nepal. Am i right???

    Waiting for next post on people watch...
