
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lake Luxembourg Ice Fishers

I think this is the first time that I've seen a completely frozen lake.

I kept my distance, I didn't dare to go on the ice.
I almost didn't take the bottom picture because the sun was already behind the trees and almost gone. I wonder if I should have used the flash.
Today I'm posting three views of three men fishing on Lake Luxembourg. They were taken on the same walk as the sunset picture from the previous post.

-We leave on a another trip tomorrow. A clue to the direction can be found in the post before this one. Can you guess where we are going? I plan on posting some pictures from our trip at Something Sighted on Friday.
I'll be away for two Weekend Reflections but I've scheduled them in advance so please make yourselves at home. I'll be blogging sporadically while I'm away. (Nothing new there. :)


  1. Uh oh, James! Great minds are thinking alike today, ha-ha!
    I'm not sure where you're going but I hope it's sunny and warm. Have a great time.
    Sunny :)

  2. Oddly enough, the only frozen lake I've seen was in Tasmania! It was unexpected even in the middle of winter. I remember seeing a beer bottle rolling about on it. That rather spoiled the view!

  3. I have seen too many news reports of people or animals falling through the ice...I would never go out there! I am glad you stayed back and captured these amazing photos instead.

  4. 3 visions et tonalités différentes, superbe (avec une préférence pour la deuxième photo)

  5. I've never seen a frozen lake! We're are real southern people! Ü
    Your three picture are great, I can't choose, the place and the view so great..
    I'm sure I'm wrong, but I'd say you go to Atlanta to see Miss Scarlett?..Ü
    Wherever you go, have a nice trip!

  6. I live near a river but I never seen it frozen !!!!
    Wonderful shots :-)

    Again vacation
    Enjoy ....


  7. Your flash would not have been much help James. I love all three pictures, but the drama in the sky in the last one really makes the picture. Enjoy your trip! Can't wait to see what you're up to next!

  8. Stunning photos my friend. I love them all. I've never seen a totally frozen lake either. I have no clue where you are going. Someplace West is what I would say but where I dunno. :) Have a safe and wonderful trip :)

  9. These photos really take me back there. :) Another frozen lake to visit is Lake Carnegie in Princeton, James. I used to go skating there, too. Loads of lovely frozen lakes in NJ. Lizzy :)

  10. I loved the Lake's name! :)
    Wow they are crazy, I think it's dangerous to go there. Please don't do it! Take care! :)

    *** a nice vacation for you and Vicki!

  11. I've seen a frozen lake in Bled, Slovenia. Long ago that was, though I am sure it still freezes. You could walk really far out to a little island. The folks in your photos appear to be sceptical....they haven't ventured far out! Don't know where you're off to, but have fun!
    Somewhere warm?

  12. I like it without the flash, it captures the mood.

  13. Great captures, I especially loved the last one. I am happy to hear you did not walk on the frozen lake, I have been hearing about people falling thru alot lately.
    Have a great trip!

  14. Are you off to Luxembourg? (or London)

    Where ever you go, safe travels to you!

  15. You must be headed west. I've never seen a frozen lake either and would be too afraid to walk out there! They don't seem to be too far from the shore, so maybe they are being careful.

  16. Kind of scary to walk on a frozen lake. I don't think I have ever seen one. Have a safe and warm trip.

  17. I have seen plenty of frozen lakes here. But I wouldn't go out on one. Too many people recently have fallen through the ice and died, there are open spots sometimes. But your photos are beautiful and I especially like the last photo-its perfect! Have a great trip!

  18. As for doing fishing in this grand
    scenery, men are happy.
    The fishing lets them devote.

  19. M'not sure the flash would have added to the wonderful scene!

  20. I'll never go near a frozen lake! I hope you will have a wonderful vacation. Bucks County?

  21. James, these are outstanding shots! I'm glad you didn't go out on the lake, the ice looks unreliable! :)

  22. The sepia shot in the middle is amazing! You could have posted it for Sepia Scenes! One of my other blogs... :)

  23. Top photo is the best one James. Nice B&W. I'd like it even better if those guys were off to one side instead of the middle. Have a nice trip.

  24. Beautiful shots, frozen lakes always look so desolate. I have seen and walked/skated on one in Alaska, little danger of falling through after long periods of near or below zero temps.

  25. Lovely photo! I like how the sky reflects on the ice! This could you reflection entry :-)

  26. Cool shots, all interesting in their own way. The last one is beautiful.

  27. Very nice series, James.

    The flash would not have helped.

  28. this is totally cool! you wouldn't catch me out there but I appreciate the serenity and the challenge. Great photos of the guys & the landscape.

  29. These shots are beautiful. I don't think that I would dare go out on the lake either. I don't trust the ice!
