
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Holy Cow!

I was very happy to discover this package in my mailbox the other day.
Thank you, Paul aka Louis La Vache, for sending me some of your wonderful Holy Cow blend coffee. When Louis La Vache isn't roasting delicious coffee at his Holy Cow Coffee Company, he hosts a meme called Sunday Bridges at his San Francisco Bay Daily Photo blog.
Stop by his blog for coffee, which I highly recommend, or to just say hello.


  1. It is delicious coffee, isn't it? Have a great week, James!


  2. The only american "coffee" i tried was the one from Starbuck, and i'm obliged to say it was not good at all. i hope Louis offers a better one. But Being half french, half italian, I must say that a good coffee is hard to find in other countries...

  3. Oh, this makes me smile! Isn't he funny? And glad you enjoyed the coffee, too.

  4. How cool is that. I'm not a coffee drinker myself but that sure was nice of him to send it to you :)

  5. I have also tried his coffee. And it's darn good! Very coffee-y!!

    You can see how we make it at my house here:

  6. Too bad I am not a coffee drinker. Love the photo.

  7. Receiving mail is always such a pleasure... And if it some great coffee waiting to be tasted, I guess it must be a bigger pleasure, then...

  8. Holy cow! And I've even had the real deal out in SFO...

  9. I'm a sucker for great coffee.

  10. Oh! I love that name. I don't drink much coffee 'cos it makes my heart palpitate a million mile a second :o)

  11. I wished I could order it. I like coffee!

  12. (BLUSH!)

    James, «Louis» thanks you for your kindness - and he's very happy you like his "Holy Cow Blend"!

  13. Malyss, I have to jump in and say that St**bucks makes dreadful coffee! It's not representative of American coffee at all and Louis' Holy Cow coffees are really good, nothing like St**bucks, and even better than most American coffee!

  14. I love coffee and didn't know about Holy Cow. I should give it a try the next time I'm in the area. I agree Starbucks isn't the best.
