
Friday, April 6, 2012

The Duomo (Weekend Reflections # 133)

Florence, Italy (The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore"The Duomo"reflected in the window of an ambulance)

Happy Easter Weekend!   I've been pretty busy lately so I haven't had as much time for blogging as I'd like. I expect that to continue for the next couple of months. However I will make sure that Weekend Reflections is up and running during this time.

Please only link posts that have picture/s of reflections. 
If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!


  1. Great photo James!
    That is one amazing building!

  2. My choices for WR is up. Stop on by!

    Happy Weekend, Happy Easter to All!

    Jottings From Jersey

  3. great photo - looks like the guy is just sitting off to the side in the sky. :)

  4. Really terrific reflection for any day, James, and a great one for the Easter Weekend -- Have a very Happy one!!!


  5. I find any kind of reflection makes me examine the picture in a different way.

  6. An interesting reflection. Hoe you were not inside the ambulance! :)
    Happy Easter weekend.

  7. How unexpected! This photo gave me shivers. How perfectly marvelous--and it fills my eyes.

  8. This is why I like reflective shots so much, there are many stories in one image.

  9. What an interesting shot James - can't think how you did that!

  10. As always a lovely view, but I really like that subtle sideways tourist in the window...a little sneaky reflection for the those totally smitten, like you and me. Hope you're not too busy to be having fun. Happy wekend James.

  11. What a great reflection! As always, thanks, James, for hosting! Will link up for tomorrow!

  12. Beautiful reflections James.
    Happy Easter to you.

  13. Fabulous, fascinating capture James. Thanks so much for making time to host this site - I do look forward to seeing others' reflective shots. A very Happy Easter to you and yours.

  14. This is a very interesting reflection shot. I wonder what the man is reading.

  15. The detail of the wall features is amazing in reflection! And the sense of blue mystery on the top left is intriguing!

  16. a fantastic building for your W.R. photograph this week. Take care and thanks for giving us a place to share our pics from around the world

  17. Love this photo of the Duomo. A very special place indeed.

  18. How great that you got both of these in the same shot!

  19. Wow, il duomo and an ambulance ! what a shot !

  20. What a magnificent reflection, a true winner!
    God bless you!

  21. Great shot, James. Enjoy your Easter weekend.

    Thanks for hosting!

  22. Great reflections in the window James.

  23. Nice James. I always wanted to visit Florence.

  24. Fantaatic reflection! The Italians knew how to build magnificant buildings! Mr. Linky gave me trouble, but I did post a reflection

  25. James, you take the loveliest shots and are so kind to remember us even when you are busy. I know how it is to be busy. :-) Happy Easter!!

  26. Wow! Interesting shot of the Il Duomo!!! One of my favorite spots in Florence!! Did you go to the top??? the view is spectacular!!!

    Glad you're continuing with the Weekend Reflections meme James...and equally glad you're taking time for life!!!

    Happy Easter!!

  27. Hard to believe that's a reflection ! Hope you'll be having a great time, whatever you're off to be doing...

  28. Great reflection in an ambulance! did you take time to climb on the top of the duomo?What a fabulous memory!

    PS: pourquoi la question sur Erik Winter sur le blog de bancs? tu lis le livre en ce moment?.. La série TV passe à la télé ces jours-ci en France. Tu M'intrigues!:)

  29. When worlds collide! I hope nobody was hurt inside the ambulance, because it almost looks as if a spirit is going off into heaven!

  30. I really like window reflections, and this one is amazing! I hope it wasn't you inside the ambulance!

  31. Cool shot, you're so creative James!
    For me it's difficult to compose the photo in a different way like you do. ;-)
