
Friday, February 15, 2013

DART (Weekend Reflections # 177)

Dallas, Texas ( A reflection on the side of a DART Train)

DART = Dallas Area Rapid Transit.

I'm away on vacation until mid March but Weekend Reflections is still scheduled in my absence.

Please only link posts that have a photo or photos that contain a visual reflection.  Reflections can be on water,glass,metal or anything else as long as we can see the reflection.If needed, click the link near the top right corner for instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!


  1. Tres bonnes vacances a vous et bon w end ! ;o)

  2. Wow, you clicked the shutter at just the perfect moment.

  3. great catch in the dart bus! love it!

  4. I like how the man with the hat is framed by the train window... Nice work !

    I hope the travel is fun, and that you are making a lot of reflection pictures to share with us... :D

    Have a nice week-end !

  5. Nicely framed! Enjoy your vacation and I hope you took the camera along.

  6. Great reflections as always, James! I love how you've framed them! Hope your trip is going well! Have a great weekend!

  7. Tu as réussi à photographier un membre des Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young?!! :o)
    Passe de très bonnes vacances et profite bien de ton séjour!Je me réjouis d'avance à l'idée de voir tes photos!

  8. Great shot, James—like time-traveling back to the '60s! :~} Hope you have a great time, and can't wait to see all the reflections you find on your travels!

  9. you have a fast finger for capturing this! I wonder if fedoras are coming back in fashion. my dad always wore them; he even had one for when he was working.

  10. Heips
    your reflection-foto is super, like very much.

  11. I use to work for the company that designed the DART system, but that's another story. Great framing ~ such a great reflection it's mirror like!
    Enjoy your vacation...

  12. You keep achieving such tantalising pictures.

  13. James, first of all...hope you have an AWESOME vacation. Now for me...I bought a new camera and am learning to use it...LOL!!! I'll be back over the weekend to add my photo (although it was taken with the "old"camera....:)JP

  14. That's very cool! It appears you're looking through a window rather than seeing a reflection!

  15. An inspired reflection shot as always. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Have a great vacation! Hope the weather is good:)
    He looks like a Texan (I lived there for 1 1/2 years)

  17. Clear and beautiful reflections, well done!
    Enjoy your vacations! :)
    I'm anxious to see your pictures!

  18. Reflet rapide, précis pourtant! Très réussi!

  19. Great looking characters on the DART!

  20. Wow! Love this reflection w/ great colors and faces ^_^

  21. Merci de nous expliquer la signification de DART, je me demandais ce que c'était. J'espère que tes vacances se passent bien, James.
    Bon week end


  22. Great photo! Perfect moment and perfect reaction time. I'm wondering what it would do if you would play with the exposure, maybe the outcame would be messy.. dunno, because I'm not really a profesional, just a fan of photography. And I really love photos capturing reflection, like this reflection on a skyscraper. It looks great when the objects is split into parts thanks to windows. Have you ever done something similar?

  23. So where are you off to James ? Have a good one, in any case !

  24. Great reflection. I hope you have a great vacation!

  25. Western style my friend, Great work James.
