
Friday, January 10, 2014

Windows in Windows (Weekend Reflections # 224)

Lambertville, New Jersey   (Reflections of the tops of the buildings across the street.)

Last Sunday I was knocked unconscious  (for a few seconds)  by slipping on ice and I've had a cold all week but I'm recovering.  I hope your week was better than mine. I can't wait to get out of the house and take some pictures. :-)

Have a great weekend and be careful if there is ice where you live especially if you aren't used to it.

This is the place to see and share reflections click the rules tab above for more information.
  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface. 


  1. i am so very sorry, james! i trust you were checked out for a concussion. gosh. that could have been very bad.

    but that's a great photo. :)

  2. James, so sorry to hear of your fall and cold. Winter can be a hard time of year. Hope these problems quickly become a distant memory. Good hunting with that camera.

  3. I'm so paranoid about ICE! Took a back-injuring spill once...and have been so super cautious ever since. Love the bold colors in this shot, and the old buildings in the reflection...always and forever a fan of the old!!

  4. Oh làlà!j'espère que maintenant tout va bien!Vic a dû avoir peur en te voyant inconscient..
    Tu vas finir par presque regretter la Californie! :o)
    Take a good care of you!

  5. Du coup, j'ai oublié de te dire que je trouve la photo très jolie! :o)

  6. Yikes. A fall on ice can be a serious accident. Hope you are recovering well and without lingering effects.

    Very nice reflection, al always.

  7. Oh no! That's horrible James, there's nothing worse than that dreadful feeling when you know you're going down and there isn't anything you can do about it. You must have gone down hard to be knocked unconscious.. better take it easy for a while oui! Take care.

  8. Hope you're recovering well, James. Tread carefully out there --

  9. I love the colorful frame on this reflection! Glad to hear you're feeling better.

  10. J'aime beaucoup comme l'encadrement de la fenêtre a l'air défraichi, alors que le reflet sur la vitre est tellement net ! Ce doit être un très beau bâtiment, cet immeuble avec les bow windows...

    Pour le rhume, rien ne vaut les infusions de thym au miel ! (pour les bosses à la tête après chute, la crème à l'arnica)

    Remets toi vite !

  11. I took a pretty nasty fall while cleaning up snow last Friday, but thankfully nothing broke. The color of the door makes for a great frame.

  12. So sorry about your mishap! Be well!

  13. So sorry about your mishap! Be well!

  14. Having grown up in Montgomery county and spent much time in Bucks and the surrounding areas, it is always a nostalgic pleasure to view your beautiful photos of places remembered James.

  15. Glad you are okay. Watch out for that ice; it happens so fast. Love the reflection.

  16. I hope you'll get better soon!
    The reflection is beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

  17. Love the angle to got for this reflection! Glad you are okay and welcome to northeast winters (you stayed in Southern Cal to long)!

  18. OMG! So glad you were alright and drink lots of fluids for that cold..I do love the old window showing off the buildings though!...:)JP

  19. Really beautiful window-reflections about windows.

  20. so sorry to hear about your accident...Hope you'll recovering soon...

    Wonderful reflection...I love this architecture...

  21. I know how easily and quickly that can happen ... Standing one second, Down the next ... So glad you are all right. Hope your cold is getting better as well. This has been a particularly rough winter ... hopefully they won't all be this bad. Love the pictue. The windows are classic and the brightly colored window in the front just sets them off. Nicely done ... stay well, James.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  22. Wow, hope you recover, fast. We have no ice, here in SoCal.

  23. James, very nice reflection. Fall on ice is dangerous, you need to be careful. Our winter is without snow and eis.
    Have a great weekend!

  24. Well now, you have the perfect excuse to stay warm and toasty at home! Take care!

    The reflected houses look so very British!

  25. Lovely reflection as ever, and I adore the colour of the window frame.

  26. Your first mistake was in going to Noo Joisey...

    Kidding aside, «Louis» hopes you've recovered from your cold and he's glad nothing serious happened in the fall!

  27. That ice will sneak up on a person. Hope this coming week is much better to you. Great window reflection. I especially like the contrast between the bright door and the reflecting building.

  28. Sorry the hear you are not well, hope our photos will cheer you up a bit. Your reflection is as usual excellent. Keep well.

  29. Hope you doing better know. But you posted a great reflection. I like it.

  30. Great photo and get well soon. Thanks for all your great work here.

  31. Watch out for that slippery icy stuff. It just sneaks up on you. I hope you are feeling better. Be careful!!
    Love the window reflections. MB

  32. OMG! Knocked unconscious?!! How awful. I'm so glad you are okay now!
    Awesome reflection! The architecture of the reflected row homes is so cool and I love the triptych effect of the framing.
    And yes, be careful out there!

  33. J'adore la couleur verte du bâtiment, et la forme de la fenêtre ! une jolie prise encore James.
    Bon week end à tous !


  34. Such a nice reflection!
    Wish I could send you some chicken soup. Be well, James.

  35. Yes, ice is trickier than it seems. Get well soon! I do love your window of windows.

  36. Love the old paint on the frame. Hope you feel better. If I lived in an icy place, I would be falling down all the time. - Margy

  37. Hallo James,
    why are there multiple blogs where there is no reflections? This is a place for advertising their products?
    Greetings from Daniela
