
Friday, July 4, 2014

Philadelphia Freedom (Weekend Reflections # 249)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The building at the end of the street and reflected in the glass on the right is Philadelphia City Hall. I can't think of a better place than Philadelphia for Weekend Reflections on The 4th of July.

PHILADELPHIA July 4, 1776 - In language certain to inspire patriots, and gall the King and England, a Declaration of Independence was adopted today by the Continental Congress. The Declaration is the defiant culmination of years of struggle between the new nation and its former protector. In ringing terms it lists the causes of the split, as well as describing the principles on which the new nation intends to govern itself. ("We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal . . .") - From Liberty! The American Revolution

Happy 4th of July!

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.
A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.   


  1. A wonderful post for the 4th, James! Thank you!!

  2. We haven't had a rainy 4th in some time, but it help make reflections. Happy 4th, James!

  3. On our way to the city of brotherly love - well, a close suburb anyway! Love the symmetry of your shot. And always love a chance to say hi to Mr. Penn! Happy 4th!

  4. Happy 4th-this is a great shot for today's weekend reflection!

  5. Indeed, today is a day to reflect back on our history and the ongoing for feedom around the world.

  6. You know how I like the photos you take on rainy days. ;-)
    Happy 4th of July James!

  7. Love the combination of new and old buildings in a city. Philadelphia was a very good choice for today!

  8. Beautiful! Happy 4th of July!

  9. Marvellous! On dirait presque une cathédrale avec deux flèches !

    Désolée de ne pas avoir participé aujourd'hui, mais je n'ai pas trouvé de reflet en rapport avec les USA !

  10. Happy 4th to you!

  11. Perfect reflection for the 4th July. Have a great weekend.

  12. Happy Independence Day, James!

    Just the right picture and text for this special day.

  13. En 2015, je passerai peut-être mon 4 juillet à Philadelphie, New-York ou Boston, cela dépendra où l' Hermione arrivera avec ma fille à bord!

  14. beautiful rain reflection on a street I know well.

  15. Another great capture James - Your constant awareness (and captures) of reflective photographic opportunities are a delight James, thank you.

  16. Always amazing what you manage to capture! Another great reflection!

  17. A lovely reflection with a message. Happy 4th of July for you.

  18. A beautiful and timely reflection on this special weekend ... your words don't include the split we have taken from our constitution compliments of our activist Supreme Court. This wonderful and meaningful celebration will be for naught if things continue as they are.(Move to Amend ... can the people win over the oligarchs again?) None of that reflects on your awesome picture though :)Thank you, James ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  19. beautiful and fitting image for our nation's birthday! "Philadelphia Freedom" is singing in my brain.

  20. great,
    I like this picture...

  21. Happy Independence day... and I know that spot in Philly well


  22. Vive la liberté et votre 4 juillet !
    je suis de retour !


  23. Mmm, rain. I vaguely remember it, the feel of it, the smell. I don't think I've seen, felt, scented any rain, not once, not a drop, all this year! Isn't that horrible? This shot brings back a flood of memories...
