
Friday, September 18, 2015

The Theme Building (Weekend Reflections # 312)

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), California

This building used to fascinate me when I was a little boy. I remember being so happy when my mother and I had dinner in the restaurant that used to be in it. We had a great time eating fondue and watching jets take off and land. I didn't go inside of the building this time but I did go in one of the jets.

Happy Reflecting!

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.



  1. Plus que tres original comme batiment,j aimerais bien voir l interrieur ;o)

    bon w end !

  2. I love things like this that take us back to a happy place and show us how much we've changed all at once! Nice catch!

  3. A nice memory, James. I still love airports (but miss being able to see people off at the gate).

  4. I love this building looks so futuristic! Great reflection of the cab..

  5. This building fascinated me too, when I came to L.A. the first time. And I wasn't a little girl....... great reflection!

  6. It is a very curious building. This is the first I've seen it.

  7. I love to be arriving there right now! That building brings back fond memories for me of family I miss.
    Lovely reflection!
    Thanks for hosting and the chance to link up.

  8. Beautiful memories and great reflection!

  9. Amazing building and great reflection! Have a nice weekend!

  10. That a great reflection - you knew the perfect angle to take:)In all the 30 years we lived an hour from LAX we never took the time to eat at the restaurant! Maybe because we were very often at the airport - picking up guests or flying off ourselves!

  11. I have been in LA Airport many years ago, but I had forgotten about this cool building until you posted it today. Great reflection as well, James.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. Hi! Nice reflection photo. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What an unusual building- great capture ot its reflection in the car window.

  14. That must have brought back such happy memories.

  15. J'adore ces bâtiments futuristes, mais aussi élégants !

    bon weekend à tous,

