
Friday, November 20, 2015

Solidarité avec Paris ! (Weekend Reflections # 321)

New York City            Bleu, blanc et rouge becomes red, white and blue when it's reflected.

  I took a walk after celebrating my wife's birthday in NYC and found this reflection of a building.  It was a touching tribute to a city that I love and have visited many times.

My heartfelt condolences to Paris after yet another horrific Islamic terrorist attack.

Je vous souhaite un week-end plein de paix !

 This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. yea, we have seen a lot of that lately.
    The reflection is great and thanks for hosting :)

  2. You are so perceptive to find that beautiful tribute and how it reflects to show our nation's colors in solidarity.

  3. So fitting, James—I won't hesitate to return to Paris, and I bet you feel the same. Bon weekend!


  4. Paris. It's terrible, my thoughts are with the victims.

    Paris. Il est terrible, mes pensées sont avec les victimes.

    LG Eva

  5. I knew you'd have the perfect reflection ... I've been at such a loss for words - my heart broken. It's good to come visit here and know there is a love for Paris and gentle, wonderful souls from all over the world that come together to share a bit of home, a bit of themselves each week.

  6. I'll never understand the things people do in the name of religion. :(

  7. Touching tribute this great reflection!

  8. A wonderful, current and very suitable picture!

  9. Very appropriate reflection both visual and in the thoughts of the events of this week!

  10. A wonderful image to show solidity for a grieving nation

  11. All hearts are sad on days where man turns on man ... there is no logic to it and it can't be explained even by those who participate. I am sad for the French and the pain they are suffering ... I am sad for the immigrants who have had to flee their homelands and sad for all of us who will have to endure these trying times. Very touching tribute, James ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. A worth tribute, James and colorful!
    Human tragedy like 911 for the victims - this time it came closer because my son left Paris just in time. Even tragic for the family of the mastermind, coming to Belgium to have a better life - hard to grasp!

  13. What are they doing to our beautiful city ?? . But a wonderful show of solidarity from not only the French but from around the world. James my post for today only show a small blue icon instead of a picture - is there any way you can fix it from there - thnx

  14. Wonderful, especially because of recent events.

  15. Very well said & photographed.
    Thanks for hosting!

  16. Nice reflection & lovely tribute to those who lost their lives in such a senseless attack

  17. perfect post for this week

  18. A very nice tribute. It is incredible was has happened in Paris. Everybody is in shock.

  19. A nice tribute to the Paris you love, James.
    May peace prevail.

  20. Ah si tous les pays du monde pouvaient se prendre par la main!

  21. c'est formidable pour Paris. wonderful reflection of both countries' flag colors!

  22. Well done. You have chosen such an appropriate image .

  23. A tricolor reflection – perfect.

  24. This is a fine tribute to Paris during their time of pain. Viva la France.

  25. 14 ans après NY, voilà que Paris souffre aussi.
    Merci pour ce partage.

  26. Belated Thanksgiving James!
    Malgré tous ces événements mondiaux, nous tenons à célébrer chaque année Thanksgiving qui est un grand moment pour nous de toutes ces années passées aux US et de ces belles valeurs que nous tenons à garder.
