
Friday, September 22, 2017

On Route 66 (Weekend Reflections # 417)

Williams, Arizona

A reflection of some old signs and buildings in the window of the Grand Canyon Hotel. Speaking of old, this marks the 8th year of Weekend Reflections. A big thanks to all of you who have participated and posted some really great reflections over the years!

Have a Great Weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. Nice photo, hope you have a great weekend :)

  2. I love the angles in this image. Some great old signs and lettering.

  3. James CONGRATI]ULATIONS ON YOUR 8TH ANNIVERSARY. Great reflection shot. Many thaks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. A big thanks to YOU for hosting this fun meme. Eight years—wow!

  5. Nicely framed reflection. Could be a promo ad for either establishment! I have another reflection in my blog which I thought was too subtle-- I was taking a photo through the window of the airplane as we ascended before sunrise. Seemed perfect, but the iPad on my lap flashed on and reflected in the window.

  6. Well n wonder you're great at this "reflection thing", James! CONGRATULATIONS on eight years which leads me to the next question: Were you celebrating at that club featured today?...:)JP

  7. Congrats James - that's an impressive anniversary!

  8. great reflection!! Congratulations on the 8 years!!!

  9. Love Route 66 and Williams is a great town.

  10. Moin James <3
    I Have a drem... A trip with my bike on the route of 66 ;o)
    A grate photo!
    Have a lucky week!
    xxx Britta

  11. What a pic, I love the colors... Good weekend for you - Ghislana

  12. Congratulations! I've only recently discovered your blog and now when I take pictures, I think about the reflection of the image. Thank you for the inspiration!

  13. congratulations ! a long and beautiful way like on route 66.


  14. un air d’Amérique en plein Arizona sur route 66 mythique * merci pour ce superbe reflet "anniversaire" !
