
Friday, January 19, 2018

Scream for Reflections (Weekend Reflections # 434)

San Diego, California

I didn't even have to turn around to see what this colorful screaming fellow was looking at. :-)
The enormous poinsettia Christmas tree reflection was an impressive sight to behold.

Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. that looks like a blow-up Scream doll......if so, very strange!
    And yes that poinsettia tree is amazing!
    A Dick Blick store...lucky you!!

  2. Certainly like Esvard Munch's painting The Scream. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend

  3. I recognice that screem. I think it is from a paintng actually called "scream"

  4. Oh, I would have liked to see that poinsettia tree! Yes, "it" (can't see what is was made of) does come from the famous painting "The Scream:)"

  5. free art to public :-). I would have loved to see that poinsettia tree.

  6. Hi James, I'd much rather look at a red Christmas tree than that kind of creepy Scream figure!
    I'm back again after a long time with no reflections. I finally got to some water and got a picture. The Jordan River it was!

  7. What is the Scream doing in there?

  8. super reflet ! le panneau stop le même qu'ici où j'ai vu pendant les fêtes de fin d'année beaucoup de sapins rouges sauf que les poinsettia sont synthétiques, il fait trop froid chaîne télé ARTE présentation le weekend d'une photo où il faut deviner si elle a été prise en France ou en Allemagne, ce serait bien de changer, Europe Amérique ;)

  9. Lots of color and such a busy scene that I first thought it was made up of multiple reflections. Maybe it is, as I cannot figure out where the "845" band across the screamer's face came from. Poinsettias grow wild here but are not nearly as colorful-- they make more sense than a spruce tree in San Diego!

  10. Amazing! Imaginative and so creative:)

  11. Effectivement "un cri" en couleurs.
