
Friday, March 30, 2018

Christ in the Center (Weekend Reflections # 444)

Rome, Italy

Sant'Ignazio Church in Rome had a large mirror at an angle to capture the reflection of this amazing ceiling painting by Andrea Pozzo. There was a lot to see, but my eyes focused on Jesus. He's the one holding the cross in the middle.  :-)

Happy Easter!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. have just produced the greatest reflection ever!! Happy Easter!

  2. Wonderful Easter reflection!
    Happy Easter

  3. Beautiful! And what a fantastic choice for Easter.

  4. perfect Easter reflections and Christ should always be in the centre of our lives. Thanks for hosting James and I hope you have a lovely Easter.

  5. Beautiful work of art, so nicely reflected. Happy Easter!

  6. A very apt reflection for this weekend. I feel guilty that mine is so frivolous!

  7. Love the play on words! A happy Easter, James! This actually was on my other blog at the Jesh Studio (the link is my post), but was for some reason not able to link here.

  8. Wow, that is awesome! And awe-inspiring.

  9. Ah, a very nice message, James.
    Such a good idea, to provide a mirror for those neck-straining masterpieces above us.
    I have no reflections but I CAN send you warm greetings from the Holy Land for a blessed and joyous Easter!

  10. awesome reflection and such a great idea to put a mirror. I have never seen anything like that. happy Easter James.

  11. What an amazing ceiling. Looking at it made me a bit dizzy!

  12. Beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful Easter.
