
Friday, June 12, 2020

Welcome to the Twilight Zone (Weekend Reflections # 559)

Paris, France

Just a head in a window and some blurred reflections. 

2020 feels like the Twilight Zone to me. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. You are right James Eerie! Thanks for hosting and stay safe and have a great weekend.

  2. Really weird here too. That's a neat reflection. At first glance I was thinking the head, bald, was a reflection of you. Until I read about it.

  3. You are so right about the twilight zone, James. Especially people who are in government across the board. The new knee thing is not going to make anyone feel like they are listened to and cared for!But behind the scenes most upheaval right now has to do with distraction so someone loses the election.

  4. Definitely spooky!
    Wishing you an unspooky weekend

  5. Magnifique ! Je me souviens très bien lorsque tu as pris cette photo rue Jacob.
    Pour ce qui est de la twillight zone, oui cela devient de plus en plus étrange, un peu partout, et je crois qu'on n'est pas au bout de nos surprises. Et ce qui se passe aux USA vu d'Europe est assez inquiétant. mais bon, l'exercice du pouvoir chez vous est assez surréaliste cesv dernières années

  6. wow...such a cool face in the window...and I love the out-of-focus pedestrian on the right.
    Do you know the story behind the sculpture??

  7. Those eyes... Yes, this year has been weird.

  8. A bit spooky but excellent as always and yes it are strange times.

  9. A perfect title for a perfect description of this surrealistic year..

    I Don't know if you go back to see my answers, but
    1)I guess you were talking about the wave by Hokusai?
    2)The flag means "I" in maritime flag language.Nothing to do with surf.:)

  10. couldn't agree more, James. have similar reflection :-)

  11. I like the blurred man walking around the corner...nice touch. He looks like he's from an art work (a painting)

  12. belle image ! un extraterrestre ? et le piéton a l'air de marcher tristement la tête en bas ... restons positifs * bon dimanche !
