
Friday, September 18, 2020

How Much is That Reflection in the Window (Weekend Reflections # 573)

         Florence, Italy 

I can't tell if that's supposed to be a dog or a polar bear. In either case it's reflected in the window and the man's coat.
Any old timers out there remember the song, "How Much is That Doggie in the Window" ? It was popular before I was born. 😀

I took this shot from inside of a Pylones shop in 2019.

Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. Yes, I remember that song. That must make me a geezer.

  2. The bear or doggie is very cute! About your comment of the place where you are living, that you may experience God's mercy and grace:)

  3. super ! cette chanson ne m'est pas inconnue * également la version française, le chien dans la vitrine... par Line Renaud
    bon weekend

  4. Good timing or point of view or both! That song came out when I was a senior in high school. The "good old days" were way before then! As Jack Benny used to say, I knew Doris Day BEFORE she was a virgin!"

  5. I'm not sure what it is, maybe a cross between them both.

  6. I love it! I thought a polar bear, but after what happened to us in January, I still have polar bears on my mind...

  7. I certainly remember that song - my dad used to sing it to me

  8. What would we do without shopwindows with your theme.

  9. Made me smile James, the reflection and the man have similar expressions :) :)

  10. I remember my mom singing that song to my sister.

  11. ça fait comme une cravate amusante au cou de cet homme à l'air sévère :)
    Je me demande s'il t'a vu prendre la photo à travers la vitre..

    Il a enfin plu hier! ça a rafraichi l'air , maintenant il fait bon.
    Tu dois te réjouir de voir enfin arriver l'automne.
