
Friday, December 25, 2020

Oh Christmas Trees ? (Weekend Reflections # 587)


Newport Beach, California

It's been a strange year, so why not a reflection of a strange "Christmas tree." It's actually a tube with colored lights made in the shape of a Christmas tree. I see them a lot, but this one caught my eye because at first I thought there were two, one inside and one outside. Turns out that there was just one, and the inside one was a reflection.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. James, fine Christmas tree reflection. You asked for tree reflections, so I included one. Hope your Christmas is happy.

  2. Leave it to you to find something so unique, James! Merry Christmas, my friend...stay healthy...:)jp

  3. Une forme très épurée et évocative d'un sapin. presqu'une oeuvre d'art Ue te souhaite une bonne fin d'année.

  4. I like these unusual takes on tradition.

    Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Un peu tard mais doux Noël à toi et à ceux qui t'entourent dans cette étrange période temporaire.

  6. Great Christmas tree reflection shot for today. Thanks fos for hosting and i hope you have had a wonderful Christmas.

  7. This Christmas tree perfectly matches with this strange year we had..
    I hope you had a lovely and sweet Christmas!
    In one week begins a new year, I wish all the best for you!
    Gros bisous!!
