
Friday, December 11, 2020

Palazzo Pamphili (Weekend Reflections # 585)


Rome, Italy

One evening while walking through the Piazza Navona I noticed one of the windows of the Pamphili Palace was reflecting in a puddle. This photo doesn't do it justice; the painted ceiling is spectacular!

Click HERE for more info about The Palazzo Pamphili.

Happy Reflecting!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  

This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. James, what a lovely puddle. You were there at just the right moment.

  2. Great to have the beauty at your feet as well as up above

  3. I can just see the ceiling you are taking about. Thank goodness for puddles James. Also thanks for hosting, stay safe and have a great weekend.

  4. Nice catch, James. Reflections are big and small, small ones are harder to catch and make show worthy. Good Job !! (I have a big puddle today.)

  5. Interesting image! Have a good weekend.

  6. There must be a beautiful view from up there too.

  7. Mais on a quand même une petite idée du plafond peint. Comme d'habitude ta photo de reflet est splendide. j'aime particulièrement les reflets dans les flaques ! Bonne semaine

  8. Nice image! Not a whisper of a breeze, but only a hint of the beauty of the ceiling artwork.

  9. A fabulous world inside of a simple small puddle..
