
Friday, January 29, 2021

Social Distance Early Adopters (Weekend Street/Reflections # 1)

 Paris, France

The good old days before the mask craze. (February 2020.)

You probably wont find any reflections because I've decided to make a little change after over a decade of reflections only. Now it's Reflections and/or Street photography.  I love street photography and I have a lot of it. 😄

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals etc. unless of course there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography, a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."


  1. Oh, a lovely Paris street scene.
    I'm a big fan of street photography too, but it's a reflection from me this week.

  2. Should be the good old days before anything craze really.

  3. I think adding street photography to your meme is a natural extension for you.
    Thank you for hosting.

  4. It will be interesting to see the scope of offerings expand. I don't walk the streets very much-- usually need to drive everywhere. Spend most of my time outdoors walking a gravel wilderness path, hardly a "street."

  5. Nice setting! I live too far out in the country for street photography, but look forward to seeing other's submissions.

  6. James, I approve of your change. I also love street photography, but I'm still working on that skill. Thank you for hosting this site as I have enjoyed it over the years.

  7. Great you are going to expand:) Thanks for hosting! Jesh

  8. Great James Street photography will be a challenge for me although I do love reflections still. Stay safe and thanks for hosting.

  9. Nice street scene, James, sooo typical of Paris earing. I too have a lot for new viewers, I blog label for them "Walking Pictures" and/or "Driving Pictures.*
    I'm happy with your change.

  10. Very nice street scene. Symbol of our times...

  11. What an excellent idea, when you think about it the two often go hand in hand. I'm pretty excited to see more gorgeous scenes like your shot today.. oh how I hope travel will be possible again at some point this year. Happy weekend James.

  12. Hadn't noticed your note about a different opportunity of photography before posting. I like streetphotography very much, next time!

  13. Great idea James since I have more street photo's then reflection photo's and it gives more to think about. Hope this stay for a long time.Your street shot is so typical for Paris you can almost smell and taste it.Well done.

  14. Adding street photography is a great idea!!!

    Love this photo, I miss those days.

  15. It was when we all thought "it couldn't happen"...great pic, James!...:)jp

  16. Très bonne idée James, je viendrai voir avec grand plaisir ce que vous prenez en photos...

  17. What an excellent idea to add street photography to the menu. You captured a wonderful street scene. Have a great day.

  18. "Street photography" is a genre that I also particularly like!
    thank you for this nice view "Social Distance Early Adopters" which make us smile with lightness in this complicated period

  19. Mine is a street scene with a reflection so subtle even I can barely see it. It is the outline of my car.

  20. I love street pictures; but often I don't dare to take them, I'm afraid to be seen ! :)
    This picture here makes me feel HOW MUCH I MISS aller boire un café quelque part...
