
Friday, May 31, 2024

Straight Outta Philly? (Weekend Street/Reflections # 175)


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This poor woman seemed confused when I took her picture.

Straight Outta Compton is a movie about a 1980s rap group from Compton, California. The city and the group were notorious in those days. Incidentally, my mother grew up in Compton; having her pose in front of this poster would have been fun.😀

                                             Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."


  1. Seems the link tool no longer works. Here is my photo of the day.

  2. The women in your photo does look surprised. Yes, I do remember the group, but was never a fan of their music.

  3. Yes I had to click and work the link also but I got in eventually. This is an interesting photograph that speaks, thank you for sharing more of your backstory with us all. Aloha friend, blessings!🙏🏽

  4. Yes, very confused and she looks like she needs a holiday.

  5. voilà un portrait vraiment saisissant. Une photo de très haute qualité, digne de Lisette Model ou Diane Arbus

  6. A fantastic juxtaposition of shot

  7. I was confused when I first looked at it because it looks like the men are walking through the scene. Neat picture.

  8. She is wishing she couldn't get out of your picture.
    Jim here

  9. James All I can say is that that woman does not look happy!!! Thanks for hosting and commenting. Have a good week ahead
