
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thanks Bogey!

I can't believe how long it has taken me to post this. To be appropriately honest my to do list got buried under the mess on my desk.
Several days ago Bogey was kind enough to present me with the Honest Scrap Award along with the tiddied up rules. Now I am pleased to present this award and rules to my following blogger friends. First the rules.

1. You must brag about the award.

2. You must include the name of the blogger who bestowed the award on you and link back to the blogger.

3. You must choose a minimum of six (6) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

4. Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog.

The chosen six are (drum roll please)

Cezar and Léia of We Love Luna
Abraham Lincoln of Brookville Daily Photo
Juergen Kuehn of Marburg Photoblog

Congrats to all. And of course, you only have to participate if you so choose!


  1. Hello James!
    What a wonderful surprise!
    We loved it!
    Many thanks for this award! You are very kind!
    Hugs from Brazil
    Léia & Cezar

  2. Hello, thank you very much James for this nice award! We are very happy that you like our blog!:)
    Best Regards,

  3. That's a cool-looking award. Congratulations. And since I see you've passed it on to Abraham Lincoln, I see we have a common blogging friend.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today--I LOVED your comment.

  4. Looks nice up there James! Way to pass it on.

  5. Wow James, my congrats to you for this award.
    And I'm very proud to be on your list. Thank you so much.
