
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Faces of Princeton

This is one of the doorways to the gymnasium

This contortionist guy is above the doorway

This face and the the next are carved into the doorway along with several others

This is a mysteryI wonder if anyone has counted all of the faces and animals that are carved into Princeton. For example the doorway to the gymnasium in the top picture has twenty faces on it and more above it. Maybe if I ever get really bored,........ never mind.

The bottom picture is a mystery to me. It was on a wall next to the entrance of Princeton's library. If you know what it is please do tell.

I'm pretty sure that it's not a fancy waffle iron. :)


  1. I'm pretty sure there is a publication called The Gargoyles of Princeton, that lists all the buildings. I don't know what the last one is...maybe the Portal to Higher Education!
    Great pictures, as always.
    Sunny :)

  2. The door within the doorway at the entrance is a cool composition. I've been always looking for similar subjects. Caught very few though. You've captured the details of the carvings very nicely. The last one seems like a mystery to me too. Can't really make out what it could mean.

    Nice pictures!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  3. les sculptures sont cultes, j'adore.

  4. Intriguing!!!
    I love that first picture James, doors in doors are always a favorite of mine. As if you're being invited to walk right in!

  5. The contortionist (2nd pic)seems like he is strangling himself :o)

    Lovely pics, James. Princeton is so beautiful and neat.

  6. I thing they had some fun with these fugures, they're unbelievable! This is going to be a very interesting trip through Princeton buildings.

  7. LOL funny thought James, for sure it's a waffle! :)
    Anyway it could be a kind of passage, but only our imagination can go ahead! :)
    The contortionist is fabulous, my favourite!

  8. In France, a man wrote a book called "the miscellanies" where he listed all the unuseful things that we absolutely must know..The numbers of faces in Princeton would be a perfect subject for him..
    For the last picture, it could be a secret window, through which you can see the people who cross the door without being seen by them. Here, we call that a "spy"..

  9. Ah come on...go out and count 'em LOL. Great pictures my friend :)

  10. Walking leisurely around a site with many old buildings like this can be on of a photographers greatest pleasures.

  11. Tee hee - this artisan had a sense of humor. Love those "gargoyles." Even the grate is full of interesting details.

  12. Oh I'm going to love this... Gothic everywhere! I haven't got the key to the waffle iron though...

  13. Interesting post! No idea what the last photo shows. A fancy grille perhaps?

  14. Ohmilord, what a gorgeous gym! It looks fancier than even our churches. Those figures are funny and I agree with Mr Poet — looks like someone had fun with the ornamentation. I have no idea what that fancy tile is, but it looks like some of the Spanish-era cookie molds that I saw in Casa Manila.

  15. Don't be so quick to dismiss that waffle iron theory.

  16. These are fascinating! I think you have inspired me to take my camera and go for a walk on the campus where I work. It's not Princeton, but we do have some beautiful old collegiate gothic style buildings.

  17. amazing architecture. love these posts.

  18. It looks like the doorway to a cathedral! And the various carvings are too funny! The last thingy is probably a "release" gate so if the library gets too full of books, this gate pops open and books fall out thus allowing the library to "breathe" again instead of exploding.




  19. Probably an air vent. Did you notice if it was hollow?
