
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More of Princeton

Imagine standing at the doorway to the gym in the previous post and looking up, this is some of what you would see

This is a picture of above an entrance to one of the churches on campus.

Looks like a nice day to walk around campus with an Umbrella

One of the many Princeton Tigers
Just a few things that caught my eye when I was at Princeton. The Princeton teams are called the Tigers, so tiger statues and carvings can be found all around the campus.

I think I'll take a break from this series tomorrow since it's Skywatch time. Then maybe one or two more series posts. Then I'll stock up on fall and winter pictures for another Princeton series next year.


  1. superbe architecture, mais j'adore la sculpture de la panthere..vraiment magnifique

  2. Wow, that first photo makes me feel dizzy.
    I love these, I've never been to Princeton James so, thanks for the tour!

  3. They just don't build things like this anymore. It's an amazing feat of architecture.
    Gret series of pictures.
    Sunny :)

  4. excellent images. I also like your images below of the faces of Princeton. very unique.

  5. Even though the tiger is striking I liked more the small monkey scratching it´s head in the previous post. Good art for school.

  6. I hope you'll post more photos of Princeton in the future, I can never tire of this place.
    My favorite today is the one with the parasol, which is so incongruos against those old and serious buildings!

  7. Very well composed pictures. The perspective in the first three pics & the details in the last pic.. everything looks so perfectly pictured... :-)

    - Pixellicious Photos

  8. Great, superbe, fantastic! the first picture leaves me breathless!
    And , a funny thing: we have here in Nice a statue of a tiger that's almost the same than the one you show!I could send it to you, if you want to compare.

  9. Hi! Love your Princeton series, especially the gargoyles. I've been not visiting for a while due to my daughter's wedding, but I'll be back.

  10. I had no idea Princeton was so beautiful! Great shots, James. That gym sure looks like a church from the outside!

  11. It really is a beautiful campus!

  12. I love sky in the pic with the umbrella. The clouds are so puffy. What a beautiful school!

  13. Hi James,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving a comment. I always welcome new visitors, so feel stop by again any time!

    Your photos are just breathtaking. I can't believe that angle you got of the buildings (on this and your other blog). I am always amazed at the details some of these buildings ornate compared to ones built today. Thanks for sharing. Amy :)

  14. Honestly, if it weren't for the difference in the types of figures on those two buildings, it'd be hard telling the gym from the church!

  15. Nice photos. I especially like the perspective and symmetry in the first photo of the arch.
