
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Scarecrow and a Pumpkin Patch

I think this guy should get his own horror movie.

See the pallets to the right? Only one of these big pumpkins would fit on a pallet
I bet when the people who live in that farm house want pumpkin pie they just send the kids to pick a few pumpkins from their front yard.
These are more of the pictures that I took on Saturday. The top picture is one of the scarecrows that were on display at Peddler's Village. The second photo shows two gigantic pumpkins. The bottom photo shows were the pumpkins come from.

Living in this area I really get the "feel" for the season unlike California or Texas.


  1. Yeah, I wouldn't be following that scarecrow down the yellow brick road!

    Lovely photos, very picturesque.

  2. That is one of the scariest scarecrows I have ever seen!

  3. Great shots all three. I love the scarecrow's nose. What's that black thing on the left? A crow? ;-)

  4. I see you are really getting into the 'Spirit' of things James. Marvelous shots.

  5. that's quite the scarecrow, I love the pumpkin patch pictures. We used to grow the giant max pumpkins in our garden. Though I'm sure they didn't reach the same mass as the ones you've pictured. The kids had a blast carving them out, right in the garden. Then it would take about three of us to load them in a wheelbarrow to roll them around to the front of the house. Best Jack-o-lanterns ever. The trick-or-treaters were always in awe. thanks for the reminder and the trip down memory lane.

  6. That looks like a fun place to buy your pumpkin!! We don't really have that here in Belgium. Not that I know of anyway.
    A pumpkin patch looks very American to me. Can't wait to find out what Halloween is all about in the States!

  7. halloween se prépare ;o) je suis presse de vivre cela a nyc cette année

  8. And unlike french riviera!..Ü

  9. Great photos. I missed that scarecrow when we were at PV!

    Isn't fall AWESOME!

  10. Great pictures...but that scarecrow looks like Jason if you ask me :) Wonderful pictures my friend :)

  11. That sure is one scary scarcrow! Wonderful fall pictures, especially the pumpkin patch!
    Sunny :)

  12. The scarecrow makes me think of the book and movie "Harvest Home".
    I really like the last photo, very peaceful and homey!

  13. The guy in the first pic is really scary!
    We love the pumpkins spread in the fields, it's a beautiful view!
    God bless you!

  14. It is that time of the year already? Nice photos.

  15. James, you are absolutely right about California. Sometimes it seems like we have one season - warm and sunny! I lived in Oregon for 6 years and fell in love with Autumn. There's a real sense of change during that time.

  16. I wouldn't want to be the one cooking up those ginormous pumpkins! Now would I want to meet the screepy scarecrow. Fun shots, here!

  17. They are all great pictures. I especially like the view of that scarecrow.

  18. Great series. But why does that scarecrow remind me of G. W. Bush?

  19. The first one's scary! Goodness and those pumpkins are huge!

    - The City Lake

  20. The first picture is a kind of portrait, the second shows the merchandise with the vip (p for pumpkin) kept apart and the third, the one I like more, what is left behind. Great set of photos on the road to Halloween...

  21. Title of the movie "When the crooked nose shows up"
