
Friday, November 20, 2009

A Glimpse of the Other Side (Weekend Reflections # 9)

The other side of the street. I will soon be on the other side of the Atlantic. This will be my last post until I return in mid to late December with tons of pictures. I hope you don't forget about my blog.

I have scheduled Weekend Reflections to be up and running each week while I'm gone, so have fun.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:

1)Post a *reflection photograph that was taken by you. (*A photo that contains a reflection)

2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky

3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.

4)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.

Feel free to be creative. Remember this meme is for any type of reflection.
This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


  1. This is one magnificent side of the street reflection James. But oh your Mclinky will be up in about 3 hours...Anyway, have fun! Mine is up.

  2. Well James, you are an artist my friend!This reflection is superb!
    And what a beautiful building!
    Happy weekend reflections
    Léia :)

  3. As you might guess that is a reflection that goes very well with me. Water beats glass any day :-)

    Mine is up, but Mr.Linky is a bit late...

  4. It could be the other side of the mirror.. what a beautyful picture, perfect for autumn mood!
    I wish you, a very good travel! I Hope your back will hold on. I'm impatient to see all the great pictures you will take back with you. Not any chance that I could forget your blog!
    And above all this, ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR TRIP!!

  5. That is a magnificent reflection from a puddle!

    Have a wonderful and safe trip. I'm sure we'll see some fabulous photos of your journey.

  6. That's a BIG reflection. Nice!

    Have a great time on the other side.
    Bon voyage.

  7. Absolutely fabulous! Such a big image in a puddle...amazing!

    I wish you the best trip...enjoy the holiday season in another land! Be careful and keep that camera with you at all times!

  8. Terrific reflection!
    Have a safe and wonderful trip.
    Sunny :)

  9. Great composition here, what a cool shot! I'm going to have to get in on the reflection theme, pretty neat idea!

  10. Fabulous photo!

    Bon voyage - we'll try not to have too much fun without you.

  11. What a great capture! Beautiful Image.

  12. That's one unique reflections! Very creative.

    Have a wonderful time wherever you'll be!

  13. Oh, I love this one...great shot in the puddle. Have a wonderful trip...can't wait to see your photos. We won't forget this blog!!

  14. Great composition! It almost looks like a painting in which the artist tore the bottom of the picture away. Have a great trip!

  15. Magnifique cette photo, j'adore ce reflet dans l'eau

  16. What makes this reflection magical to me is the contrast of textures between the rough cement and smooth water. The floating fall colored leaves adds to it also.

  17. The curb brings the eyes where it should: on the other side :-)

    Bon voyage!
    Viel Spaß!

  18. Fantastic reflection, James. It looks like the city during a parade with confetti drifting down! It's a hop, skip and a jump to my side of the pond...have a wonderful and safe trip, James. Looking forward to all your photos when you return. Lizzy :)

  19. What a great reflection, and the leaves on top are wonderful! Hope you have a good trip, and thanks for leaving Weekend Reflections scheduled for us. :)

  20. Thank you for scheduling posts and not leaving us totally orphaned! Have a wonderful time and cheers for this great photo!

  21. I agree with RuneE, Water beats glass any day :-)
    Very good photo like it, If you pass Sweden on your trip you are more then welcome for dinner! Maria Berg

  22. So, is this the beginning of James in Wonderland? Nice photo!

  23. THat is a beautiful reflection. I wish you a wonderful time , this side of the atlantic. Get back safe.

  24. I also was struck with the parade day image. Very strong picture.

  25. Magnificent! Incredible beauty and balance in a reflex.
    Oh, really beautiful shot!

    your blog is a favorite for ever!

  26. A Puddle Picture? This is the most awesome snap I've seen in awhile. Bravo!

    The Buck Stops Here

  27. Wow, James, this is trompe l'oeil at it's best! Great photo reflection! :) Enjoy you trip. will await your return! :)

  28. As my Mom would say, "Such a Superior Snap!"

  29. Thanks so much for giving us this chance to shine...reflect...whatever. I really like your capture a lot!

  30. Posting from Warrenton, VA. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Didn't realize you would be gone so long. I won't forget you! Have a wonderful time!

  31. Amazing shot! At first I wondered what on earth you were doing shooting from a pit, then I got it - talk about fooling the eye! Great building, Rittenhouse Square? Anyway, have a wonderful trip and can't wait to see your pictures when you get back. And thanks for arranging to have the meme while you're gone, we would all really miss it! Safe travels to you! Kathy

  32. That is an amazing shot.
    Have a wonderful time on the other side.

  33. This is a Great Reflection. Have a good trip.

  34. That is one powerful photo James. Makes me a bit dizzy looking at it. Phila? Enjoy your trip.

  35. A wonderful reflection as always, James

    Thank you for all your efforts in hosting 'Weekend Reflections'.

    Be well and enjoy you much needed Holiday. Don't worry we will all be awaiting your return with great expectation.

  36. Lovely reflection. Have a great and safe trip! Will be here when you return.

  37. An excellent capture and a beautiful reflection.

  38. Neat find!
    Between curb and street
    there are buildings, trees and sky.
    Gutter reflection.

  39. One of the best I've seen James. Beautiful reflection.
    We will miss you. Take care.

  40. My brain can't process the angle, but the reflection is great!

    Have a wonderful trip, James! Take care and stay safe too. I'll be looking forward to your vacation pics!

  41. I thought of you every time I passed a puddle this week! Unfortunately there wasn't much happening in the reflections of said puddles around here.
    Have a wonderful trip James. So cool of you to keep the meme up till you get back.
    Can't wait to see your photos too.

  42. Great shot! Was going to post a puddle myself, but decided instead to put up something from the other side of the Atlantic, where you'll soon be! Thanks for keeping this up while you're away—and have a wonderful trip!

  43. Your reflections are always so grandiose even though they might be just puddles or something really small. This was like the opera of Paris but in puddle, oh, and the autumn leafs were the icing on the cake.

  44. You have a great reflection picture here. It looks so unreal. That's great. Wishing you a wonderful and safe journey.

  45. Enjoy your trip overseas! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your photos from the trip.

  46. I will be jealous of THAT reflection for EVER and EVER! Amen! That is just awesome.

    Enjoy your trip!

  47. Wonderful reflection! :)
    Excellent photography.
    You have an eye for good motives.

    Have a great weekend.

  48. A great reflection and in a puddle. Have a safe and happy trip.

  49. Jame, Thank yoy for leaving a wonderful comment (and for starting this wonderful meme - one of my favorites!)

    I want to post a response regarding photo size:
    I think good photos look good in any size.
    However there are many advantage to posting small format: the blog pages load faster and
    pirating of small pictures does no good to the thief - can't print or resell them as those sights require high resolution photos.
    If you have a great photo, consider posting it in smaller format for the above reasons :-)

  50. This is definitely a great photo, one to remember you by until you return! You're still on my 'daily visit' list.

    I forgot where you said you were going....

  51. Really awesome photo. I didn't know if was a reflection at first.

    On our trip to Europe I took 3000 photos. Took a long time to get through them all. If you have a chance be sure to get to the Alps or Austrian lake villages. Photo ops galore!

    BTW #60 is a wrong link, so sorry about that I corrected it in #61

  52. Oh my gosh, your reflections are amazing - each one is a jewel.

  53. After so many words, I'll add only one more: excellent!

  54. Wow! What a wonderful reflection you've captured and shared! After watching others share for several weeks, I've finally decided to participate for the first time at Small Reflections ... just because ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  55. Leaves do splendid description for a slightly crooked reflection.

    It is a work to be impressed with.

    Thank you for showing a wonderful view.

  56. Breathtaking photo! That water is so clear i suspect is is really mirror!

    Have a safe, fun trip!

  57. That shot's amazing; it took me a few moments to 'see' it properly; it seemed a crack in the sidewalk at first. Spectacular!

    Have a wonderful time on MY side of the Atlantic! LOL If you stop in Ireland it's been raining for months straight so we've got floods, puddles and reflections galore... paddle by and stop in.

  58. A really amazing shot, simply wonderful. I like the building and the leaves gently flling.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  59. Whoa...felt as if I might fall into that ! Amazing it could do that. It is very pretty stunning!
    This a a great place and thanks for the fun...

  60. WOW! That's a truly amazing photo!!

  61. Your building reflection is awesome and makes our attempts that much harder.

    Really fine image, James!

  62. Wow!!
    James you are very creative
    with your camera
    its UNIQUE that shot :-)

    Have fun in Europe

  63. This is one of the best reflections shots I've seen 'around here'! Congratulations, James, great job!

  64. Hey James, if you happen to be around Paris, do give a shout...

  65. If the other side of the Atlantic includes Paris, I hope to hear from you! :-)

  66. James,

    I'd like to award you a "Best Blog Award". Please visit my blog to see the award and get info on passing the award along.


  67. hard to believe it is a reflection..very crisp image!!
