
Friday, January 8, 2010

Mr. Blue Sky (Weekend Reflections #16)

As soon as I saw this sculpture in the window surrounded by the reflected sky I knew the title for this post. This week my entry is more about the whole picture rather than just the reflection. I'll post the reflection of yesterday's post another time.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:

1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.

2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky

3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.

4)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.

Feel free to be creative. Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.
This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


  1. Nice one! The sculpture is handsomely good looking!

  2. This is way cool James. You might consider a wee crop at the top to eliminate the two lights. Mr. Blue Sky is fascinating. There's enough to see and enough mystery. Great job on this one.

  3. This is such a great find. It almost seems ghostly! Wow! What a post!

  4. Oh, I love him! So mysterious, as a kind of god watching us from the clouds above..Great effect, marvellous shot, very inspiring for imagination...

  5. Thank you for explaining the mistery of the portrait. I really didn't see that at all (now I do).

    Where have you been sky-/reflection watching? I like that sculpture. (If it's not to big I would have wanted one like that actually:)

  6. A real SkyWalker! Luke would have been envious :-)

  7. Wild, ethereal, and looks like a god from another planet.

  8. At first I though you discovered some spirit world out there! Awesome find, glad you noticed it!

  9. Dear James, it's fantastic!
    I'm really impressed.
    Wonderful capture dear friend.Unfortunately I won't join with a picture this weekend , mainly because my kids want to go out during the weekend, you know...and it would be difficult to visit all wonderful reflections posts, anyway I will try to visit our friends, because it's amazing and I love this theme! :)
    God bless you

  10. How beautiful that is. Fascinating picture. Great shot

  11. An amazing reflection James! It could also double as a SkyWatch Friday post.

  12. magnifique reflet, cela donne quelque chose de mystique a la photo

  13. This looks magical. Simply wonderful :)

  14. Very cool composition! Multi-faceted reflections are neat.

  15. Wow! So cool.
    Awesome James.

    Happy weekend.

  16. I love this James!
    I like that the sculpture seems to be coming out of the mist - it appears ghostly.
    Terrific capture!!
    Carletta’s Captures.

  17. Your creativity is showing, James! Superb photo in every way!

    Sorry I've been negligent in my commenting, but we've moved and we're still inundated with stuff to do...but one of these days...

  18. It's almost ghostly in a fun way...fascinating!
    Sunny :)

  19. This is fantastic! Before I read the caption I thought it was double exposure!

    ...Dressed up Creek

  20. I love it! A little creepy, but captivating...

  21. That's one IMPRESSIVE creativity from you James. Well, all your works are! :)

  22. Very unique reflection shot, I love it.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  23. love this did good as they say...whoever "they" is!
    i will try and find something in my archives for weekend reflections ;)

    take care

  24. A dream space for a funambulist! Awesome.

  25. He is kind of long in the face considering how blue the sky is. A beautiful curiosity!

  26. Oooh that's the cover of a book, innit? Fantastic James, have a great weekend!

  27. Very ghostly post, James! I love the blue sky! Mine's up! :)

  28. Awesome!! Spectacular!

    Was this vision revealed to you on the day of Epiphany?! :)

  29. Wow ... someday I want to be able to take photographs like this one. It's marvelous ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Sacred Ruminations

  30. I saw the face of the sculpture in the window, the tree, and the blue sky! Gorgeous picture, James!

  31. Absolutely wonderful, James! The perfect title too for your exotic mystery man.

  32. Very nice effect! He looks like an image in a dream. And he looks like a very interesting sculpture too — I'm intrigued by the little man balancing on the cigarette (?).

    Finally joining your meme — how could I not after that comment of yours the other day? :)

    Acutally, it was this line in your SS post that made me think: "Reflections can be subtle or crystal clear and they can be found all over the place. If you look for them." I haven't been noticing reflections much unless they were obvious (like my post today) but now I'm going to keep my eyes open for them.

  33. wow, very interesting reflections!

  34. Very creative James. I'm not sure I would have spotted this. COOL !

  35. That is an awesome photo, James. The eyes on the image seem to draw you into the window.

  36. Looks like the paranormal, a walk into twilight zone. Very well takan. Cheers!

  37. Takes on a mystical look with the figure and swirls of mist (the clouds) around the form. Very cool.

  38. Looks like #45 through #49 slipped some spam in on us James.

  39. Hi James! I love it - another fascinating reflection - I love how you really have to look at the picture to appreciate it (much like last weeks one)! This gives me great inspiration to look for new ways of capturing reflections! Thanks so much for the opportunity (and the visit!)
    Enjoy the weekend!
    Gena @ thinking aloud

  40. What a mysterious reflection photo. Almost like a double exposure! I have an unusual one, I think, of a man's hand with several rings on a shiny table. You have inspired me to notice reflections in a new way.

  41. Very nice finding ! I too always look for reflections now !

  42. You're right this is much more than the reflection itself. This mysterious image is so well composed and the sculpture just visible enough to make us curious. Great picture!

  43. Hi, James!

    Beautiful reflection as usual and the title suits very well.

  44. That is fun - I like it.
    The sky and both the big blue and the little one.
    I have been looking more and more for reflection since I started here.
    Last dinner we had with relative I went around and took there reflection everywhere next week I will show you some in the microwave owen!

  45. It looks ghostly and mysterious and magical! I'm with awarewriter, I'd crop the lights off too.

  46. Great reflection. It looks almost surreal.

  47. This is a fantastic image James. It has such a sense of magic and mystery. And the title IS perfect, but now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day! Kathy

  48. Wonderful! At first I thought it was a Buddha.... :)

  49. Fantastic image - such an incredible perspective... enough to tell a story around :)
    Happy New Year, and many more reflections to come..

  50. Looks like the sculpture is kicking back to look at the awesome color of the sky. Thanks for a chance to share reflections!

  51. Eyes of the Mr. blue are pretty.

    He looks like Giants surrounded to a cloud.

  52. The marriage of sculpture and sky is perfection! Lovely capture, James.

  53. amazing James! The sculpture looks as if it is made from the sky.

  54. James, you always find the coolest reflections. :) This is amazing!

  55. James, amazing capture. Congratulations. Happy New Year, Anna :)
