
Monday, March 22, 2010

Bucks County From the Side of the Road

I took these last week on one of my scenic drives. I used to complain about all of the beautiful scenery but no place to park and take pictures. Then I realized that a lot of the time I'm the only person around so I have plenty of time to snap a few through the car window.


  1. Good tilled earth just waiting for spring! Thanks for showing your part of the country. I love country pictures!

  2. HA! That's funny. Same thing for me. We'd be out running around these roads that were totally deserted and didn't occur to me for sometime to just stop and take the photo instead of trying to park and do it. Now we do it all the time. (we as in my husband and myself).

    It paid off for you...beautiful shots.

  3. funny James, but true. I do that too, all the time.
    Sometimes it's fun to take photos while the car is moving too -if you're the passenger.
    though I must admit I've done it while driving, if there is no one else around me.
    Your photos are lovely!

  4. Lucky you to have such things on the side of the road!

  5. I'd heard there were a lot of drive-by shootings in the USA, now it's confirmed... nice country there, and I like the way you caught that puddle...

  6. Those silos remind «Louis» of the farms in his native Texas panhandle.

    Not wanting to compete with your popular "Weekend Reflections", «Louis» will launch the bridge meme on Sunday (Palm Sunday!) 28 March.

    «Louis» hasn't participated in the "Weekend Reflections", but he really likes to look in on those who do participate. You've got a good thing going with that meme and «Louis» doesn't want to interfere, so Sunday it is! ;-)

  7. We have so few places to do that. Love the pictures. Silos are pretty awesome. :)

  8. I love all the silos.
    If you pull of the road out in the country, watch out for ditches!
    Sunny :)

  9. A photographer's paradise, for sure.

    I see spring hasn't quite sprung there either, so I don't feel so bad.

  10. j'aime ce type de ferme, tres architecture americaine. Maintenant tu fais du Drive-In-Photo ;o))

  11. Beautiful. I like silos. That little bit of red is nice!

  12. Your shots are wonderful, James. Oh how I do miss riding through the northern countryside.

  13. Amazing images, I know the sensation of being alone in a place taking pictures: it's strange but not so unpleasant.

  14. I don't get the Americans sometimes? Doing no matter what from inside a car, even take pictures?

  15. Love the shot with the tree James. The sky looks so vivid and blue

  16. That second photo I just want to jump into!!!

  17. It is pretty! I like the silos.

  18. I've seen more people stopping their cars for pictures this year than ever before. Makes it easier to do the same!

    I love the openness in your pictures - like you really are alone in all that vastness.

    I love Owen's comment about drive-by shootings - these are the kind of drive-by's people SHOULD be doing!

  19. It is so frustrating when there isn't a place to pull over, butgreat if you are the only one on the road. I call these shots 'drive by shootings.'

  20. That lonely tree tells a whole story.

  21. Passenger shots can add a little extra.
    These shots are great.

  22. A lonely tree in blue sky lets me feel Nature.
    Green grass looks like a sign of the spring.

  23. Lovely shots, that farm is gorgeous. Have I told you I love American farms?!!!

    So you'll be in Paris?

  24. well, lucky you! And thanks so much for thinking about your friends, these pictures are wonderful, this place really looks peaceful.I specially like the second shot.This blue sky could not be more beautiful, it's perfect!

  25. I love our county! It is very beautiful. I am so thankful for farmers!

  26. The back roads sometimes have so much to see and enjoy. Glad you are exploring! The farm photo brings back memories of my grandparents farm and how I loved to visit there each Sunday and play with all of my cousins.

  27. Sometimes the fences are more in our minds than in reality...The farm is very american, with those round "towers"...And the field with the tree gives a feeling of peace and liberty. I'm glad you stopped the car!

  28. Good solution. Drive by shooting never had such a good connotation!

    Bravo to you getting out on those roads and exploring.

    I've seen where the East Coast is bringing back rural community farming in an effort to bring organically grown local produce to the table.

    I am very gratified to see these hard working people not give in to developers.

    Beautiful Post!

  29. looks similar to Michigan right now. I also take shots from the car. drive-by shooting!!

  30. Drive by shooting - my favorite hobby!
