
Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflections on the Delaware River (Weekend Reflections # 67)

The Delaware River at Washington Crossing, PA

Happy New Year!
One of my goals is to try to learn as much as I can and become a better photographer in 2011. Do you have any goals for 2011?

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to LinkyTools
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.
Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!



  1. hello

    je n arrive pas a mettre mon lien...tant pis

    bonne annee 2011 en tout cas ;O)

  2. I think you are a wonderful photographer!
    Black and white pictures make for the best reflections, this one is fantastic.
    My biggest goal for 2011 is to see 2012 :)
    A very Happy New Year to you and Vicki, Lucy and Simba!
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Gorgeous reflection! Have an excellent 2011 James!

  4. No reflection from me this time, but a wish for A Happy New Year :-)

  5. It's amazing now nature's beauty can be so well captured in black and white at times. Great photo, James!

    Happy New Year and thanks for the great meme. I'm enjoying participating and meeting new people, all of whom have been friendly and talented!


  6. I like monochrome reflections. This is a terrific photo. My goal for 2011 is to take more time to play.

    Have a Happy New Year James.

  7. By the looks of this photo you are well on your way to your goal! Happy New Year James!

  8. A fabulous picture to end the year! being a better photographer will be hard, it will mean to reach a veeeerrrryyyyy high level!Ü
    My wish for 2011 is to make the world a little prettier, by all means!
    I wish you a Happy New Year!

  9. Very serene, but cold looking. Perhaps I'm just reacting to our cold weather this AM, it's about 25, cold for Murrieta.

  10. You are indeed a great photographer, James! I love your photos so I, too, think you must be well on your way to achieving your goal! Terrific capture for the day -- it does look cold!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year and thank you for the fun of reflections!!


  11. My wishes are the same as Sunny's!

  12. Your pictures are wonderful! I'd love to be as good a photographer.

    (Maybe that's my photo goal for the year ;>)

    Happy New Year; thank you for hosting this meme. I love it!

  13. Très belle soirée à toi!!!!! Et BONNE ANNÉE!

  14. That can't be a goal, you are a good photographer already.
    I don't bother with setting goals any more because I forget about them next day.

    I wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and peaceful new year,

    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!

  15. Every year I resolve to be a better person. The photography thing? To get as good as you, I'll have to have two key ingredients: a better camera, and more patience!

  16. The monochrome highlights the artistic shapes of the leafless trees in reflection! A great photo!

    Happy New Year!

  17. That is a beautiful scene, one I wish I could step right into and spend some time. I love that front tree reflecting dark on the brightly lit water. Great sense of depth. My goals for 2011 are: grow at photography, maybe take a risk now and then, and to be more patient. That last one will be the hardest!

    Have a Happy New Year! I look forward to what next year brings us at the opposite ends of this country. It's been a great year of many fond memories and beautiful images on your blog.

  18. Looks like your weather is very similar to mine - overcast! :)

  19. You are already there James, perfect picture. I know I'd be learning more from everyone in this group this year 2011. Happy New Year!

  20. Great photo! The black and white truly captures the spirit of it; the crispness of the air, the cool clear water, and the bare lean branches reaching skyward.

    Happy New Year James!

  21. A beauty to dismiss the year. Happy 2011 and happy decade 2011-2020. My best wishes. Leovi.

  22. we have similar goals for 2011.

    Happy New Year!!

  23. I keep buying books and admiring photography sites hoping to pick up any tips I can...your scene is splendid. And, so nice in b&w too. The people were in just the right places for you to compose a beautiful image.

    I wish you and yours a wonderful New Year. Stay safe in all of that dramatic weather on the east, that's something!

  24. James, thanks for all the amazing photos this year and I look forward to seeing what your "improved" photos could possibly be (hah!)

    Goal for 2011? To appreciate all that I have and to live life well, to reach out to others, and to grow.

    Best wishes for your 2011, James!

  25. Happy New Year to you, James!
    I've many goals for 2011 -one of them is to paint more:) thanks for providing Weekend Reflections each week!

  26. My goal is to take more photographs and to use more of the features on my camera. Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting Weekend Reflections.

  27. A Happy, Healthy New Year, my friend!
    Best regards!

  28. 'reaching out' was what first came into me mind.

    Please have you all a wonderful, happiness filled new year.

    daily athens

  29. This looks like a painting. Beautiful!

  30. Appropriate photo for the end of the year James, as our country needs once again to cross the Delaware to take it from tyranny, Chicago Gangster style.

    Best wishes to you this New Year

  31. Thank you for your wonderful meme. It gave me endless fun last year. Happy New Year!

  32. Perfect James, and I love it in B&W.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  33. I love the bare tree branches, and how the one tree frames the photo. Great reflection and the b/w really sets this photo off.

  34. Love this's incredibly beautiful!

    Happy New Year!!

  35. You seem to be a master to me.

    Happy New Year.

  36. Love your photos. This reflection shot caper looks interesting, and challenging. I'm very tempted to join in.

    Happy New Year to you, form Boonie

  37. Lovely photo and a laudable goal for 2011. While to some extent I share yours (not to be judged by my so-so submission today! LOL), my larger goal is to get a new business off the ground; so let's see how much more time and energy I have for this wonderfully satisfying hobby! All the best in the New Year, James.

  38. Happy★ 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •。★2011★ 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚
    ˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
    ˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| Happy New Year!!!

  39. Did Washington have time to notice the scenary, I wonder! The clarity is great. My goal is to always try to publish a photo that is better than the last one - the memes are wonderful starting points. Thank you for an interesting 2010 year and now on to the next!

  40. Is that a person fishing in your cold river?
    You have a worthy goal, James, and we will all profit from your advancement in photography.
    A happy new year to you and all, full of good photos.
    My basic goal for the year, here in the Middle East, is staying alive and praying there will be no war.

  41. I LOVE your photographs! My goal for 2011 is to THINK more about the photos I'm taking...better framing and to really focus on one thing in the viewfinder! I tend to "point and click" and I need to really think about what I want to shoot.

  42. J'aime beaucoup votre photo.

    Bonne et heureuse année 2011, James.

  43. Wonderful composition in black and white, James. Captures the chill of the season so well.

  44. what a beautiful clear reflection of winter trees!

  45. Have a great 2011 James.
    I´ll leave my fireworks reflections

  46. This is a stunning photo, James...winter trees have a beauty all their own. And my fervent wish for the new year mirrors take my photography to a new level. Have a wonderful New Year!


  47. Magnificent photo. Another "framer." Hope your 2011 is filled with creativity, growth, and artistic satisfaction, as well as the health, wealth and happiness that we wish to our non-artist friends. Thanks for hosting a truly wonderful and ispiring meme.

  48. Superb shot as always!

    And may your star
    always shine bright
    in the sky!***

  49. Beautiful B& W photo.

    Happy New Year, James!

  50. Sorry. I double dipped here, by accident. Same photo. Delete the one that says Margaret Bednar. Thank you!

  51. Superbe photo, meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année.

  52. I don't recall having seen a reflection in B&W before, this is really a great image! Thanks for sharing! And by the way, all the best in 2011!
    P.S.: the "snow" pictures of the previous post are also great!
    God bless you!

  53. A very happy new year, James.

    The harmony of the black and white.
    Angler seems to be a chief character of the stories. . .

    All is serenity.
    I feel the invisible rocking.

    I hope you have a new year filled with good health and prosperity and joy.

    Thank you, from Japan.
    Your friend.

  54. That is one very nice photo! And really, how much better can you get!! I think your work this past year had been VERY good. I would like to master some of the skills you have.
