
Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking Back at a Barn (Weekend Reflections # 70)

Newtown, Pennsylvania~

There are lots of roads like this in Newtown, one lane for each direction and as you can see no place to park. Sometimes I have to be creative if I want to take a picture. This is the view from down the road of the barn with the blowing snow that I posted the other day.

I won't be around very much this weekend or the coming week so I wish you all a great week!

If needed please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions.
Now lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!


  1. JAmes, you are always creative with your pictures, this one is awesome!
    I like a lot the fence and the winter scenery.
    Hugs and good luck with the kitty friends ( Lucy and Simba )during the next week! :)

  2. Hi James !

    Happy to be back on the weekly contest...

    Your picture is quite interesting ; I like the way you were able to capture the entire building in such a little frame...

  3. Great old barn!

    Yes, this is a source of great frustration. I can't tell you the number of time I drive around looking for a place to pull off to get some shots and can't find one. It can be a little easier on the motorcycle, but that limits the amount of gear I can carry.

  4. Well spotted and composed, James!

  5. I've never enough of such snow sceneries, you seem to be lost alone in the world in the middle of an heavy silent.The picture gives a feeling of "a world in a wolrd in a world",with much depth and echos..

  6. I have the same situation
    either it's a narrow back road or a busy town main street
    drive-by photography is a fun challenge :)

    wonderful scene
    fantastic capture

  7. you framed that barn nicely with your drive through. and that picture below is breathtaking. thanks for all your well wishes on my blog during my absence. its greatly appreciated.

  8. You fit the whole barn in your mirror! This is so good and it looks a tad cooler than OC! But, you would have thought it was cold on the beach too! Thick marine layer, damp, windy...ouch! However, it was about 76 degrees thirty miles inland! Amazing! Back to your photo...super job!

  9. Très chouettes, ces plans décalés et et les contrastes.

  10. Interesting picture of the barn in the rear view mirror!

  11. Tu as le rétro très propre pour obtenir un reflet aussi clair ! Belle image, j'aime bien.

  12. You are just oozing with creativity - haha!...and I love that the fence is both in the picture and the reflection!
    Have a great weekend.
    ☼ Sunny

  13. That is a fantastic capture. Perfect in black and white. Well done!

  14. Love this reflection in b/w and the joining of scenes through your creative lens...


  15. I am no expert but its a beautiful scenery captured very well....

  16. Great look backward! And luckily those back roads do not have a lot of traffic.

  17. Hi James,

    It's wonderful to see how this meme has grown along with your own photography and interest. I remember when you were asking people if they'd participate if you started Weekend Reflections. It's been a wonderful year-plus for reflection fans. Thanks again!

  18. Hey, that's GREAT! Snow here, too!

  19. I really love this area where you live, the scenery is beautiful...

  20. Nice reflection shot of that beautiful old barn. Love the weathered boards on that barn. Would be good shot for barn charm also.

  21. Awesome shot!!! great inspiration - I'll try it :)

    have a great weekend

    cheers from Uruguay :)

  22. Love the almost black and white look (not to live in it though:) ).
    The day after your observant comment that it was just wrong to have 80 deg. weather in January we went up to Big Bear Lake (it was only in the 40ties there!)

  23. Hi James,
    ultimamente mi sono persa alcune delle tue meravigliose foto...
    quest'ultima, mi piace molto.
    Buona serata.

  24. The barn is beautifully framed! like a cameo in your snowy world!

  25. I love these pictures taken in the rear mirror !

  26. Great old barn James. I love rear view mirror shots, this one is fantastic.

  27. Great shot! My car reflection photos never have the composition as lovely as yours.

  28. Classic ... but always a success !

  29. Nice shot James. Try a bicycle when the weather is warm. Easy to park. LOL

  30. Wonderful frame!
    Great composition.

  31. It is so frustrating not being able to park but you came up with a marvelous solution, framing the barn perfectly in the rear view mirror while capturing the vast woodsy landscape. You have a good week too!

  32. A perfect whole within that little mirror! Nice shot. Thank you for your helpful thoughts on Europe. Enjoy your week!

  33. C'est une bonne idée de pouvoir voir les photos en miniatures maintenant!!!!!

    Bon weekend James!!!!

  34. Really like your angle there, with that mirror shot!

  35. Great shot! I love how we can see two scenes in one photo :-D
    Happy Weekend!

  36. For some reason, linky doesn't show a photo to select when I try to upload from webpage (option on right). I have to select the option to pull from desktop (on left). Any idea how I could get the option on the right to show a photo to select?

    I'm committed to this meme every Saturday! It is one of my favorites!

  37. What a great photo. Love that old weathered barn...

  38. A beautiful frame in the mirror, gemial.

  39. Purple - the color of 2011?
    What do you think...

    Jan Halvard,
    La Paz, Bolivia
    ¡Buenos dias Bolivia!

  40. Lovely reflection in the mirror. The detail is excellent.

  41. You could have used this for the Barn Charm meme also...this is a great reflection.

  42. Beautiful shot. I love pictures through side view mirrors.

  43. Isn't that what rear view mirrors were made for?! Beautiful!

  44. Hey James,
    Had to work all day Saturday, got here too late, after the linky list link was closed, but posted a reflection for you just now anyway... a bit of birthday cake...

    Love your barn here, what a great state for barns Pennsylvania is !!!

  45. Great reflection in the rear view window!

  46. Beautiful barn! I am a city girl, so I hardly see this! Pretty in b/w!

  47. Heavy snowfall scenery.
    All my sympathies are with you.


  48. You set this up, you rascal... perfectly. :-)

  49. nice shot from a car window! will be joining soon!
