
Monday, January 17, 2011

Wintery Newtown

A look at an old railroad bridge through the car's windshield.

A snow covered field in Tyler State Park

Snow covered trees in Tyler State Park

One of the many barns along the back roads of Newtown
The barn photo was a drive by click and I took the top one from the passanger seat while Vicki was driving. :)
This is my post for the Old Barns meme at Bluff Area Daily


  1. Lovely shots James. They look really cold!

  2. We can definitively feel the cold air!

  3. B/W or Colour - both - neat snow shots James.

  4. I know people who live in the snowy regions get tired of all of all the white stuff...but, I sure love seeing it in the winter photos! I especially like the first shot! I like how the road and tire tracks lead the eye right under that bridge and beyond!

  5. There is beauty everywhere James.
    Have a nice week.

  6. I like that old railroad bridge, what road is passing under it?

  7. Really nice photos James! The first one really looks dark, gloomy and kind of spooky to me!
    I love it!

  8. Wow, chilly! I love the first shot:)

  9. Love the first and last photos, especially!

  10. j'adore cette serie, superbes photos sous la neige, avec une petite preference pour la premiere

  11. Hey, tricia's meme is open...just in case you forgot.

  12. What a joy it must be living in this area. Feels as if you were able to capture time itself.

    A safe road ahead and a good Tuesday as well.

    daily athens

  13. Love that old railroad bridge and the oncoming car really puts it in scale. Great tonal range. I also love the 3rd one down with the orange grasses moving thru the monochrome. I love the weathered barn too, the snow blowing off the roof. It's so great you guys are embracing the weather, getting out there, and getting these awesome shots!

  14. Nice shots, James. The first really caught my eye. I don't know what it is except I like it alot.

  15. I like the slight distortion the windshield gives the first photo. All are pretty, and the last has such a great ambience to it with that snow blowing off the roof.

  16. Looks a trifle nippy, with the wind whipping the snow off the barn roof like that... I've heard about drive by shootings in the US, now I understand better...

  17. A wonderful snowy ride in the first, the brown grass against the winterscape makes a lovely contrast, and blowing snow in the last sends shivers down my spine. :)
    This is a really nice series of images James!

  18. Brrr! Great Winter shots. Good capture of the snow blowing off the barn roof.
    ☼ Sunny

  19. That's snow falling in the 1st pic, right? I like the look of the stonework in the RR bridge... very cool!
    That's an interesting barn & looks great in b&w! Is that a parking spot under the railing on this corner of the barn?
    I like how you caught the blowing snow off the roof...

    Thanks so much for participating, James... very much appreciated!!! =)

  20. Winter beauty! cold and icy, serene..No much people around, snow is still falling around you, and I can hear this special white silence on the country from here...

  21. It might be nasty from me to say, but I wouldn't be upset if you'd like to keep the snow for your side of the Atlantic... :) Oops! Just kidding...
    God bless you!

  22. I LOVE the one through the windshield - and the barn - I like the way the snow is swirling off the roof. The fence lines up perfectly to for the whole composition. Hard to believe this was a drive by. Nice eye.

  23. Nice shots, James. I like the perspective in the first shot. And your barn is a great capture for a drive by. I like the weathered look it has.

  24. Thanxx for your comment, James, under one of my recent posts. Obviously you have - more or less - the same weather we have currently here at good old Germany.

    Regards, Uwe.

  25. Photos are beautiful as always.

    Do you know about this group?

  26. I'm generally not fond of photos taken through a window, but your railway bridge shot works for me. The rest of the series is quite lovely... to look at... as like Leia, I'm happy to have the snow stay on your side of the ocean.
