
Friday, May 20, 2011

Towards the Sunset (Weekend Reflections # 87)

Cape May, New Jersey (Sunset Beach) A pool of reflected sunshine next to jetty and an old shipwreck in the water.

Hopefully I'll be on the road headed towards the sunset when this post comes out but I'll probably be still waiting for the movers to arrive. Weekend Reflections is on auto-pilot until mid June. I'll be posting from the road at Something Sighted when I get the chance. Maybe from St. Louis or Oklahoma City, Santa Fe or a small town that I've never heard of? Westward Ho!

If needed, please click the link in the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!


  1. Terrific capture as always, James, sad to see the shipwreck, but what a bit of drama!! Lovely skies and colors as well! Enjoy your weekend!


  2. Bon voyage, James!

    Great picture. How exciting, an old shipwreck.

  3. I'm imagining you and Vic, like pioneers during the times they were conquering new territories westward..:o)What a great modern western movie it would be !:o))

    More seriously, your picture is beautyful, and (maybe because of your situation)quite sad, like a farewell, with a lot of nostalgy.

  4. A wonderful composition. Fantastic colors.
    ☼ Sunny

  5. Beautiful shot ! hope you can post more from your trip ! Have a nice time !

  6. Nice reflection, James, you are the master of reflection photography.

  7. Love your photo. Hard to believe the shipwreck is still laying there.

    With talk of movers, does this trip mean you're looking for a place to relocate to? Happy adventures.

  8. No sun, another rainy day in SEPA.

    This shipwreck add a neat dimension

  9. Beautiful shot of the sunset and, what a great reflection in the pool. Lovely photo. Good luck as you travel the country. Mickie :)

  10. Romantic and symbolic shot, the old shipwreck is telling its sad history. So beautiful!
    James,have a nice week end.

  11. This photo is "poetry". The sunken ship and the sundown are so complimentary! Just Wow. Safe travels!

  12. A nice, quiet reflection to remember as you travel west! Good luck on your journey!

  13. What a gorgeous sunset. I can hear the waves...

  14. May your move be boringly uneventful, except for the photo ops!

  15. awesome shot! puts me in the mood for a pirate movie.

  16. What a beauty James, always love your photos.

  17. Travel safely James. Love this shot...the implied leading line really works.

  18. cape may is so lovely
    i drive down there now and then
    lovely shot james

    hope the movers came
    happy trails james
    have a wonderful trip

  19. Looks like you've walked out to the end of the world.
    Gorgeous shot!

  20. Actually have never seen a shipwreck! This view stirs the imagination!
    Hope all goes well with your move!

  21. This photo is just calling to me. I can hear the waves rolling in. Ah....

    Hope your move goes smoothly. Moving is in the top three stress causes, along with death and divorce. Just saying!

  22. Have a great and safe trip James!

  23. Amazing shot! Have a great weekend!

  24. A really lovely sky with these great bright colors and beautiful reflections in the water. Very good and nice photo.

  25. A picture sure speaks volumes, this is beautiful!

  26. Sunset Beach! This is where I proposed to my wife.

    She accepted.

  27. I do hope you are on your way, James. I would like to
    be going somewhere, plans yet. Your shipwreck shot may be have an interesting story
    to tell as well - good capture!

  28. Happy travellings to your special horizons!

  29. So wonderful...
    So peaceful...
    Have a nice weekend

  30. Good news! Our dog, Gunner is doing so much better. A matter of fact we managed to get out (between all the rain storms) and take some pictures. Stop by to see my reflection for this week.


  31. You come up with the most amazing reflections! Loved it!!!

  32. Belle photo, bien rehaussée par l'épave qui lui donne du caractère !

  33. This picture is outstanding!
    God bless you

  34. Absolute goreous shot, lovely shadows ;))

  35. We were in Cape May a few years ago. My son is in the Coast Guard and we went to his graduation in October. What a beautiful place.

  36. Hi James, a very dramatic shot. Nice reflection of heavens fading light.

    Be well, happy and above all be safe on your journey westward.


  37. I like the liquid pool of gold in the photo.
    James - bon voyage to you and look forward to having you back in California.

  38. The sun reflection is awesome.
    And your other blog is great too, glad I found it.
    Happy travels.

  39. have fun in this next chapter of your journey in life James. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
    Safe travels too.
    : )

  40. Safe travelling! It is super of you to think about us while you have so much going on.

  41. I love that little golden pool. And the wonderful textures of everything!

    Have a safe trip and may your new home bring you many delights – and lots of pictures!

  42. That is quite an unsual comppostion, James... But I like how the gold of the sun is reflected on the wet sand in one side and not on the second...

    I hope everything about your moving is okay, and that you take lovely pictures to share them with us after the mid-june...

    I whish you the best ; please come back to us as soon as you can't : we miss you !


  43. I'm a little late for this week's reflections--I was wondering if you could add my link to this week's linky list. The link is

    I love this week's reflection, James. You have such a talented eye for photography. I enjoy each and every photo you have on your blog. I don't always make a comment, but I do come by to take a gander. You are an inspiration!

  44. That's an astonishing photo, James. And in a different style from usual too. I wouldn't have recognised it as one of yours.

    It does interesting things to my eyes - they sort of stick out forward, then withdraw, then go forward to the wreck again. Appropriate, I suppose, along the edge of the tide. I can feel the muscles along my cheek bones move.


  45. Wonderful photo! I visited Cape May several years ago when my son graduated from basic training for the US Coast Guard. I hope to go back and thoroughly explore the area one day. Safe travels!
