
Friday, November 4, 2016

Texting (Weekend Reflections # 371)

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

The guy in the photo: Does texting myself mean I'm crazy? (send). - Wait,nevermind, don't answer that (send).     :-)
Happy Reflecting !

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. I always strikes me when I see people even older than I am doing the texting thing - I marvel at how much change they've seen in their (our) life time...and it reminds me that no matter how old I get I always want to keep learning and trying new things! This is a great shot ~ and your imaginary text conversation made my day!

  2. nay, it is a way to remember what needs to be done, maybe?

  3. Maybe he's just checking out a great photo he took of a reflection! Great fun!

  4. I'm probably his age or more- there is no truth in the old saw that "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I will continue to learn as long as I'm here.

  5. Very clever, James! At least he's not walking down a crowded street while he texts (don't get me started about what an obstacle course NYC is these days).

  6. It makes me invariably smile when I see an "older" guy engrossed in his cell phone like this. Seems too much of a contrast!

  7. great reflection!! And this is not an "old guy" 86 year old mother is addicted to her iPhone!

  8. Nice - double phone.
    Really lovely reflection.

  9. Another great reflection. I thought he was checking the time of the next bus.

  10. Perfect symmetry and nice candid composition!

  11. Une scène courante dans les rues, nous sommes tous connectés maintenant !

    have a great weekend !


  12. Just read this today - The sad part about getting old is... You stay young on the inside but nobody can tell anymore. Seems appropriate based more on the reflective comments than the photo--haha. It's a great photo too.

  13. Hope he's texting and not tweeting :):)
