
Friday, May 31, 2019

Reflection Alley (Weekend Reflections # 505)

Rome, Italy

Like last week's reflection I had to be fast when I took this photo.  I could hear a car coming from behind me. I knelt down, clicked, then jumped between two parked cars on the right side as the car sped by. Thankfully, the reflection in the puddle was the only casualty.  :-)

Have a great weekend!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. They are out to get you! At first I thought you only had to worry about pedestrians and cars ruining your reflections. Don't worry -- we all have your back!

  2. L'image dans la flaque est magnifique, et le reflet de la façade sur la carrosserie de la voiture ne l'est pas moins. je te qouhaite un bon weekend

  3. alley reflections are always worth the risk!!

  4. What a beauty!
    Glad you survived it's one of the problems with reflections, they often require some physical grovelling by the photographer

  5. My professional photo instructor said to lean down, don't kneel down when shooting low angles photos. At least you survived unhurt, and got a beautiful shot.

  6. This looks like France, Italy? Is it? Am hesitating because of the cars...
    Beautiful reflection!

  7. Rainy Days in Rome bring James some really good reflection pictures. Good Job here!!!

  8. Les bons réflexes font partie du jeu. Bravo.

  9. You need to stop taking chances!

  10. I like very much the reflexion on the car window....and the whole composition, too :)
    My best regards from Romania!
    Thks for hosting :)

  11. merci beaucoup pour ton commentaires qui j'ai hélas malencontreusement effacé. Mais venant de toi qui fais de si stupéfiantes photos, cela fait très plaisir et le compliment me touche.
