
Friday, May 24, 2019

Victoria Street at Night (Weekend Reflections # 504)

London, England

I was still standing across the street from the Itsu restaurant featured in last week's reflection photo. After I snapped that one I turned and noticed this reflection in a puddle. I remember thinking that I'd better be quick because the guy crossing the street will probably step in the puddle and ruin the reflection. The red semi-circle is The London Eye and there is also a partial reflection of Westminster Abbey. 

Happy Reflecting!

Please remember to link your specific Weekend Reflections post !  
This is the place to see and share reflections. Click the rules tab above for more information.  A Reflection =  An image given back by a reflecting surface.  A PHOTOGRAPH of a REFLECTION or REFLECTIONS.


  1. There is a plethora of reflections-- not only the puddle but the wet sidewalk and the facade of the building on the left. Very nice composition!

  2. C'était donc une soirée particulièrement inspirée et riche en reflets.... L'image est une fois de plus superbe

  3. An excellent reflection taken in London James. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Thanks for hosting!
    There’s something about the thousands of glittering lights, the veil of nighttime that almost makes this place beautiful, especially in the reflection of the water. It makes everything askew, disoriented. There’s more truth in a ripple of water than in a clear day.
    My best regards from Romania!

  5. très beau, la nuit à Londres en couleur ! avec ces silhouettes ...
    bon weekend

  6. That turned out really good, James. I'm wondering if The Eye is always Red at night or for a season or the way your camera took it.

  7. Incroyable reflections James, too gorgeous 💙💜

  8. Une multitude de lumières. Il faudrait un long moment pour les identifier une par une ou groupe par groupe.

  9. Puddles in the city make great night photos! Thank you for hosting.
