
Friday, April 2, 2021

La Vita Inizia Dopo il Caffè/Life Begins After Coffee (Weekend Street/Reflections # 10)

 Florence, Italy

I've been a slave to morning coffee for many years, so I can relate.😃

Happy Easter/Joyeuses Pâques !

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals etc. unless of course there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography, a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."


  1. Haha, you sound like my hubby - except for not knowing whether he would admit to the word "slave!" Have a blessed Easter! Jesh

  2. Yes, coffee is important, so I roast my own beans to ensure a decent morning cup. James, this is a great street photo, and perfect in b&w to capture the mood. Have a Happy Easter.

  3. The medical establishment is unanimous in finding that drinking coffee is either good or bad for you.

  4. This is a brilliant B & W image James. I love it. Thanks for hosting, stay safe and I hope you have a Happy Easter

  5. Me too!!! I put water and grounds in the pot at night and turn it on first thing in the morning. The pot has a timer which is NOT user friendly, i.e. we don't use the timer. Always is our coffee Community brand sans chicory from New Orleans.
    Your fellow. Since my February cataract surgery for both eyes I have felt very comfortable wearing dark glasses inside.

  6. Excellent! Looks like it will take a few cups!

  7. I had to smile at the Corona beer bucket on the side. We'll never look at that name the same again.
    Gorgeous black and white shot!
    I have my morning coffee but I miss stopping and having one when out!

  8. "Prinz", that's what he is , - or will be - after coffee!

    The only coffee I drink is a ristreto after a good meal. My morning routine is with tea!

    Hoping you're well and wishing you a great Easter week-end!

  9. il y a qq années en Italie j'admirais le ballet des serveurs qui couraient pour apporter le café sur un plateau dans des boutiques en face de leur bar* bon weekend !

  10. I'm a slave to coffee every morning too - great capture
