Friday, October 2, 2009

Reflections in Reflections # 2

I like how the clouds are reflected in the building then that building is reflected in another.
This is the second Weekend Reflections. I thought the first one went very well. I really enjoyed seeing all of the submissions. I hope that I saw and commented on every one.

Thank you for your participation.

I decided to give MckLinky a try this time.
1)Post a reflection photograph
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Comment on other Weekend reflections participant's blogs.

Feel free to be creative. Remember this meme is for any type of reflection.

This meme runs through Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime between now and then.


Woody said...

Another great photo James. What part of Philly were you in when you took this?? I have my photo linked to your site now as well..

Unseen India Tours said...

Fantastic shot !! Buildings are so looking !! Great post..Unseen Rajasthan

cieldequimper said...

Duh, I forgot. I'll probably forget again. The shot is gorgeous.

Carolyn Ford said...

That is one great reflection(s). Beautiful!

Ebie said...

Great photo James, you take good shots of hi-rise. I have yet to develop that skill.

Malyss said...

I tell it, I'm breathless!
My reflection is posted. have a nice week-end!

Carletta said...

I love it for just what you said - a reflection in a reflection and what a great perspective!
This turned out beautifully!

I remembered and mine's up. :)

Sunny said...

Your picture is fantastic! Really great reflections.
I will have to go through my pic files to find one with a reflection.
Sunny :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

this is stunning, such wonderful reflections!

Euroangel said...

is this a new meme? I guess some of my blogs can participate this weekend. will give it a try..
Euroangel Graffiti
Simply The Best
Daily Nourishment

Gerald (SK14) said...

I like the clouds reflected in the glass.

I've posted a reflection on my sithenah photoblog

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful reflection!Great job James!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome photo and captioned so well. Excellent. Mine is up as well. Have a great weekend :) Aloha

Shirl said...

Nice shot! Is there a gadget to assign to your mclinky?

Thérèse said...

So clear! Not an inch of pollution! lol

Dimple said...

Almost an endless progression of reflections! Very nice.

Cheryl said...

Absolutely wonderful photo!

Hilda said...

I got dizzy trying to look at all the multiple reflections. A wonderful shot, James!

Hope your back's alright now, and good luck as you continue your trip planning. Have a happy weekend!

Rambling Woods said...

That is really wonderful...Just learning of this new meme....Michelle

B SQUARED said...

I had to do a double tale. Very nice reflection.

Katney said...

That is an incredible image! I love reflections. I don't have an official one up for the weekend yet, but will sign McLinky when I do.

Terri said...

That is VERY cool!

Kcalpesh said...

It's so much fun when you can catch reflections so well! Lovely!

- Pixellicious Photos

Rune Eide said...

That is a reflection that it would be impossible to take for me to take - no skyscrapers around! :-)

Maybe next year...

VP said...

This is a very good one, I like this meme.
Sorry that I posted my best reflection shot for the last Theme Day...

Dina said...

Shalom James. What a complex and striking photo you got! Beautiful.

I followed RuneE here. Glad to join your growing group (with my reflection in a bus window).
Greetings from Jerusalem.

Jientje said...

What a wonderful shot James! One of your best, ever! I'm in as well this week, like I promised! I see I'm not the only one with a Fire fighter's post? I have to check this out!

Regina said...

Hi James. This is really awesome. I love reflections. I will participate next time. As I still looking at my archives.
Regards. Enjoy the weekend.

ArneA said...

I am no photo blogger, but got some reflections on my wine glass yesterday and thought it could be part of this meme (supported by RuneE)
Will visit others and see if I am completely out of focus

Regina said...

Hi James. I just joined the Weekend Reflection:).
My post "RainyReflection"

Cindy said...

Great photo- very stunning!
Just wanted to tell you that I am enjoying this meme very much- the linky thing is a great help, too. Hope you have a great weekend!

Suburban Girl said...

I love your urban reflections

J said...

Thanks for letting me know about this meme, it's a great idea.

maryt/theteach said...

James, I love your reflection in a reflection. Great job! Thank you for hosting this meme! :)

tapirgal said...

Your photo is fantastic! I'm really glad you started this, as I almost started one myself and decided I couldn't make the time for it. I love taking reflection photos and will be here often, although I'm starting with an older post today. I'm #32 in Mr. Linky's list.

Dagrun said...

Fantastic reflections in the buildings, James!

Thank you for you tip, I did not think of my picture as that kind of "reflection", but now I posted it.

Stupid as I am I managed to put the post title and not my name in as "title". If that's a problem for you, I hope you can change it. If not, I'm ok with it...

VP said...

I entered my Theme Day photo, if this is not considered correct, please delete the entry. Thank you!

Pat said...

So crisp and clear, James. Very good photo!!

Anya said...

Yes those clouds
are amazing in that building ;)
Great shot !!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done James. The eye is pulled vertically. I recognize Liberty Place on the right. I worked across the street when Liberty Place was going up.


penny said...

A super shot of a building within a building... Stunning, simply stunning, James

My your backache have packed its bag and left town... to be a pain some where else :)
be well, be happy~ Pam i am :P

Irene said...

Wow! That is breathtaking!
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment. See you next week!

Julie said...

this is really excellent. a wonderful reflective photo. stunning. I am glad you enjoyed the rock on my site.

amatamari© said...

Absolutely fantastic essence
of colors and shapes!
Wonderful! Bravo!!!

Tinsie said...

Amazing photo! I love it :-)

ruma said...

A beautiful reflection.
It's great!


Anonymous said...

Such a great idea. I didn't know you started it. I'll try to make it next weekend! Great work from the participants.