Friday, March 12, 2010

Impressionist Reflection (Weekend Reflections # 25)

If you would like a Weekend Reflections badge please feel free to use the one below. The rules can be found below the photo.

On March 12TH 2009 I did my first blog post, so today is my 1st blogiversary! It started at my other blog Something Sighted. I have a special anniversary post at Something Sighted. Newtown Area Photo was started two months later.

The photo above is the watery reflection of a couple walking across a railroad bridge with trees in the background. I rotated it 180 degrees for an enhanced visual effect. I think the reflection looks like an impressionist painting.

"Weekend Reflections" rules are simple:
1)Post a photograph taken by you that contains a visual refection.
2)After I post my Weekend Reflections photo, add your name, country and link to MckLinky
3)Be sure that your link goes directly to your Weekend Reflections post.
4)Link Weekend Reflections to your post so other will know where to go if they want to join
5)Comment on other Weekend Reflections participant’s blogs.

Feel free to be creative.Remember this meme is for any type of reflection photographs.This meme runs Friday 11 am EST through 11pm Sunday, so feel free to link your post anytime within that time frame. Join the fun!


Ebie said...

Congratulations! And more power to this wonderful blog too!

Because of you James, I am always watching for reflections!


Suburban Girl said...

I like it. Impressionistic it is!

Lew said...

You were highly successful in creating an impressionist image! Congratulations on completing your first year!

Sunny said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photography over the past year. Happy Blogiversary!
This is a very cool reflection picture.
Sunny :)

Louise | Italy said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, and on this photo- it's lovely, and very impressionistic.

Unknown said...

Fantastic shot! Congratulations, James!

Dianne said...

I am so happy to have discovered you and your reflections :)

happy blog birthday!!

your photo painting is beautiful

Lois said...

Spectacular job on this picture James! Happy blogiversary!

Carolyn Ford said...

I love the golden colors and I agree...impressionistic it is! Happy anniversary and you keep blogging! We all love it!

Laurie said...

Happy blogiversary!

Woody said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!
Very smooth transitioning into the blur is very cool.

Clytie said...

I couldn't figure out why my eyes were seeing upside down ... until I read your comment. I looked at the picture again, and yes, it is very impressionistic!

Reader Wil said...

Congratulations and celebrations! This photo is a real piece of art. Like Carolyn and Clytie said: Impressionistic!

Sistertex said...

Wow this is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Blogiversary. Well done! I wish you many more years of blogging my friend. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and Vicki Love the reflection photo. It is just wonderful :)

Malyss said...

You're right, Impressionist is the first word coming to mind!
I choosed a special reflection today, after seeing your other post ..Happy birthday and long life to your blog!

Pat said...

Love the 'Monet'.....and congratulations on your first blog anniversary. My second one is on Sunday! Stop by!

Want a cupcake? See my blog today; it's a friend's birthday...

Jan said...

Beautiful reflection. Looks like a watercolor painting.

Maia T said...

Happy Blogiversary James! Your young and so beautiful (I mean your blog).
This photo is another piece of art. You always have same great idea for processing your photos.
Now I go party to Something Sighted.

My name is Riet said...

Happy blogaversary. Great reflection picture

Diane AZ said...

Fantastic impressionistic reflection! Congrats on your blogiversary. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary James. I really like your impressionistic image. It resonates with me.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it looks a bit like an impressionist painting. Happy anniversary!

Tania said...

Wonderful reflection and great color!
Wish you a great weekend:-)

Olivier said...

un effet un beau reflet, qui donne une illusion d'un tableau

ruma said...

James.. Congratulations on your 1st blogiversary!!

Thank you for always showing wonderful and great scenery.
It has been given me an impression and learning by your works.


Piyush Garyali said...

Wow! That is a nice shot, cute reflections. I am yet to publish my reflections for the week :(

Halcyon said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!

This is a wonderful post to celebrate your milestone with.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Well done John ditto to what Halcyon said.

Carletta said...

Happy Blogiversary James! We're certainly glad you started blogging.
These impressionist painting type reflections are some of my favorite types.
This one is wonderful!
I so agree with Ebie, since you started this meme I'm constantly on the lookout for good r
Mine’s here: Round The Bend.
eflections. :)

Dina said...

What a creative and beautiful photo!

Amazing what a year of photoblogging can do to us.
Congratulations and happy new year of life to your blogs.

Johnny Nutcase said...

yeehaw! Happy blog 1 year! I'll check out Something Sighted. This picture is really cool looking, I love the soft water/texture look it's got, really nice!

Amanda Moore said...

I could see the couple on top right away I love reflections like this they make me really look for details!

happily retired gal said...

Happy Blogoversary to YOU ;-)
I love this lovely impressionistic image ... just beautiful!
Hugs and blessings,

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your reflections are just stunningly beautiful, very much like the romance of an impressionist painting! And congratulations on your blogoversary!

penny said...

It definitely has that Monet feel, James. Its a lovely reflection and it reminds of Bridge Street in New Hope, Pa.
Happy first blogiversary, James.
You have created two wonderful blogs!

Eden said...

Beautiful impressionist reflection. Congratulations on your first blogiversary.

Happy weekend!

amatamari© said...

Oh it's really like a painting: a picture really very, very beautiful!
And Happy anniversary!

Unknown said...

Nice colours James. It is like a painting. It's interesting that you turned it upside down... works well. Happy weekend, Ev

Unknown said...

oh happy 1st blogiversary!

Anne said...

Ohh happy birthday for your blog :-))

Hipp hip hurray, and so strange, for in som days I also have the one day birthday for my photo blog.

My reflection is cooming tomorrow, yes.

Nice weekend to you

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary, James! Awesome reflection photo, it does look like a painting. Well done!

Guy D said...

Excellent reflection shot. Happy Anniversary!!!

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Julie said...

There you go, my friend. I have added another shot more concentrating on the reflection. I will upload the evening shot from 2008 later on today.

Hilda said...

I think you've discovered the reason why we now have impressionism in the first place. :)

Congratulations again, James (my long comment is in Something Sighted), and may you have a blessed and wonderful weekend!

Michael said...

Happy blogiversary. The pic does have a impressionistic quality.

Anonymous said...

What a challenging image that is! Chapeau !

And of course "Happy Birthday" as well, reflecting the joy one has trying to find an image worth.
May the light of time reflect only happiness for you and your site.

Please have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog-versary! Love your reflections!

Unknown said...

very nice! catches my eye, very creative.

Matty said...

What a milestone! And what a picture to commemorate it. It's fantastic!!

Sistertex said...

Hi James,
I made a mistake when putting my link in and it leads to a map instead of to my post. I reposted mine using the 'correct' link now. So I am in there twice. Sorry!!

Louis la Vache said...

Happy Blogoversary!
...and what a fine image to post on your Blogoversary!

Monet would be proud of you! said...

Congratulations James! Love this painting/photo.
I wrote lots more on Something Sighted.
: )

Katney said...

Happy blogoversary, James. I'm coming up on three years.Yipes!

Rune Eide said...

I have soft spot for bridges, and this reflection was a beauty.

ArneA said...

I will come up with a Weekend reflection tomorrow Sunday, but have added my name to the list after your visit today.
The impressionists are only soft reflections of real life. Although I like the expressionists better the beauty in your photo is great.

Regina said...

Like abstract. Great one!

Irene said...

Happy Blogiversary James!

VP said...

Congratulations for a year of blogging and for giving us your unique Weekend Reflections.
About the wonderful picture my only doubt is about the title, more abstract or post-impressionist perhaps. A great image anyway!

Gattina said...

It's true it looks like a Monet !

Judy said...

Stunning shot! Happy Bloiversary!

Jientje said...

An impressionist painting is exactly what came into my mind when I saw this picture. Happy Bloggy Anniversary James!

jaydubblah said...

That is a lovely photo, you have a good eye! Trouble with me is that I would want to Paint shop it to death

Thérèse said...

Inspired by Monet for sure!
Happy First Anniversary James!

Stickup Artist said...


Beautiful. I also stopped by Something Sighted and loved the Philly and NYC photos you're posted recently. I enjoyed you sharing about your faith and how you came into blogging and photography, the importance of The Early Encouragers, those few that keep ya going. That's a beautiful story. I know I've said it before... your enthusiasm and love of life is a joy to share.

raf said...

Splendid capture, James and it so befits your first year anniversary! Many thanks for a very enjoyable meme....a job well done!

Sara Chapman said...

Congratulations on such an important anniversary. Amazing what a difference a year can make. I love your meme very much and posted one of my alltime faves for it this week.

tapirgal said...

Hi James,

Your reflection today is really delightful - not only the colors, but the textures, too.

Thanks for your comment on "The Palazzo Look" in Rome. We did a lot of walking there and I didn't see anything else like it. It reminds me of the fortresses in Florence, but they don't have the smaller armor-like stones. I loved it :)

I'll have a reflection for you tomorrow. I've pre-posted it, but there is no link yet.

imac said...

What a reflection.
Also love the prev post too, they look real surly.

Kat said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Love this shot James! Beautiful image, and I love the impressionist feel of it. Thanks for hosting, I look forward to this every week. Kathy

Unknown said...

One year! Wow. Look how far you have come and how much you have grown in one year. Remarkable! : )

Helena said...

Congratulations James! Another amazing reflection, as always!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Happy Blogiversary, James and thank you for hosting this meme.

Kcalpesh said...

Stunning Shot James! I'm loving the reflection meme a lot everywhere and anywhere I just ignore the thing behind the glass and try to see the thing reflecting ON the glass these days...

Pixellicious Photos

Hobbes said...

Beautiful photo. It does look Impressionistic.

Becky said...

I love what you have done James. It is SO cool! !

Cheryl said...

Congrats on your one year blogaversary! I have enjoyed following it very much. This photo is beautiful.

John said...

Thought I would give it a go so I have added one.

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is a nice dreamy photo reflection- Congrats and
special thanks for your quick response James!

maryt/theteach said...

Oh shoot, James, I can't believe I didn't sign Mr. Linky... I have a Weekend Reflection post up. :(

Ebie said...

I love the new badge!

Unknown said...

That is really spectacular. Monet would be impressed. :-)

snowwhite said...

Congratulations, James!

What a marvelous photo it is!

More beautiful than oil paitings of impressionist art.

I am very happy to have come here..

Unknown said...

Nice reflection. I was trying to turn my screen around. I don't see Mr Linky. I hope this works.

Karen said...

On such a rainy afternoon, I needed to see an impressionist "painting." thanks for hosting and congrats on your anniversary!

Simone MartinS2 said...

Boa noite, vim atraves do Blog. da Ruma e adorei teu blog., nao sei se entendi bem, mas devo postar uma foto em meu blog. e te passar o link? É isso? Por favor, visite-me e me auxilie...quero muito estar por aqui com minhas participações...abraços


Simone Martins - Brasil

Simone MartinS2 said...

boa noite,minha participação...

Simone Martins
Meu link:

Acho que foi ne? Por favor, me deem um retorno se foi ou nao...obrigada...abraços