Friday, July 26, 2024

The Golden Years (Weekend Street/Reflections # 183)

 Budapest, Hungary

I was rushing around looking for the next picture to take while this couple was peacefully enjoying the view. It was a reminder to me to slow down and live in the moment.

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” ― Henry David Thoreau

                                            Have a great weekend!

Now you can link reflections and/or street photography. 

Please no posed pictures, portraits, animals, etc. unless there is a reflection. 

Click here for street photography examples and inspiration.

"Street photography is a genre of photography that records everyday life in a public place. The very publicness of the setting enables the photographer to take candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge."


Cloudia said...

A meaningful post from a good photograph. Thank you friend. God bless you. Aloha

kwarkito said...

j'aime la paix et la sérenité qui se dégage de cette photo. s'aimer dit-on c'est regarder dans la même direction

Ananka said...

Beautiful photo. Very nice :-D

Taken For Granted said...

A fine photo, and a great thought, James.

Aimz said...

I really like scenes like this, hope I'm like that in my old age.

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's such a lovely photo

roentare said...

This is such a sentimental shot

Linda said...

Yes, sometimes we need to be reminded to live in the moment.

merlecolibri said...

le temps qui s'arrête

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I really like this shot James. Yes we only have the "moment" Not promised anymore than that so one should always live life as if it is the last you have to its full potential. Often of course we don't and often miss opportunity that never come our way again. Thanks for hosting and commenting. Have a lovely week ahead.