Friday, September 30, 2011

The Bike Rider (Weekend Reflections # 106)

Huntington Beach, California

The guy was across the street and behind my back but I managed to capture his reflection in this window. He almost got away because he was going pretty fast. :)

Here are some hints that show that this is a reflection.
1)The horizontal blinds (look at the lower left side) where they are the most clear.
2)The vertical wooden window frame on the right.
3)My shirt sleeve and the trees on the right but just to the left of the window frame.

 If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Anonymous said...

It looks like he's just crusin' along.

Sivinden said...

If you hadn't told us, I would not have thought it was a reflection. Captured in just the right moment!

EG CameraGirl said...

Very cool! You must be very quick!

Dianne said...

this is fantastic James
I wouldn't think it was a reflection either
this reminds me of some album cover, of course I can't remember which

Gerald (SK14) said...

belated wishes on two years of reflections reached last week.

Leovi said...

Excellent reflection, just missing the hat.

Halcyon said...

Nice reflection! Glad you caught him.

TexWisGirl said...

go, speed racer! :)

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say it's a reflection either. Great capture, James!

Ebie said...

Nice! I thought he was just taking his time.

Lew said...

Nice action reflection! And you are back in the land of informal dress codes!

Karen said...

So clear James. I never would have known that was a reflection!

Anonymous said...

You must work quickly James.

I just got back from a ride on my bicycle. I should try a shot in my rear view mirror. Might be tough since the mirror attaches to my eyeglasses. LOL

Gine said...

Le résultat est assez impressionnant et l'image me plaît !

DawnTreader said...

I did not catch at first that it was a window reflection!

Sylvia K said...

You are so good, James, at catching such great reflections! I had to look twice, too, before realizing it was a reflection! Terrific capture for the day as always! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks as always for the weekend fun!


Elisa N Viajes said...

Wonderful pic James :)
Have a very nice weekend
Elisa, from Argentina

Alexa said...

You fooled me too. Nice timing, James!

Francisca said...

Is that the blinds giving the image a nice textured look?

Maude Lynn said...

Great catch!

Ingrid said...

it's such a good reflection, that I was looking for the reflection, lol !

Kay L. Davies said...

Across the street and behind your back? Had me wondering for a moment. Great reflection, James. You are the master!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

'Tsuki said...

That is a very impressive one, James ! It is almost impossible to guess that is a windows reflection... Well nailed !

Limarea said...

That's a really crisp and clear reflection! Nice capture :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend everyone!


Gemma Wiseman said...

Only the slightest hint of a wave through the photo suggests that this is a reflection! A great capture!

joo said...

Superb photo!
Have a great weekend:)

Valerie said...

You had me fooled James! Well captured.

Cildemer said...

Excellent capture!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy weekend****

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Boo hoo! Mr. Linky isn't working for me. I've tried twice, and nothing appears, so here's my link:

Wayside Water

Simon said...

Hey got you a zoom, zoom, zoom. Nice and crystal clear in that big window. Great catch.

s.c said...

Such a perfect reflection. Looks real to me. Great shot James.

Malyss said...

The picture is so perfect that it's hard to believe it's "only" a reflection!

About your question: yes, it was Cathedrale Sainte Reparate. I'm happy to discover that you can watch things about Nice on your TV!Just wondering how the town was shown..

[PS: For Vic, problems again to comment under her blog :(]

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

no helmet??? Naughty!!!!

Dina said...

Very nice! And the rider looks so happy.

Stickup Artist said...

Ah, the life. What more could one ask for than a cool beach cruiser and a beach to cruise!

Carola said...

Awesome reflection, cool guy in the catch.

Unknown said...

Nice one James. Glad you got him before he got away. Happy Weekend, Ev

Arija said...

What a shot! Hard to believe it is a reflection with the clarity of the bike-rider, a great reflection shot indeed.
It invokes the clarity and fuzzziness around the edges of a dream.

Reader Wil said...

Very clever James! It's a reflection, but at first sight I didn't believe it! It's beautiful!!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi James, great picture! I just posted a series of window displays in Bend, Oregon.

Hope your weekend was a good one.

Kathy M.

Pat Tillett said...

Surf City USA...

nice one James!

imac said...

Quick reflections on your part James.