Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Years of Reflections! (Weekend Reflections #105)

Newport Beach, California (Fashion Island)

You might have seen an animal jump through a ring of fire, but how about a fish swimming through a ring of water?  

Weekend Reflections # 1 was on this weekend in 2009! Thanks to all of you who've made it so fun over the last two years!

If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!


Laura said...

beautiful James...I love all of the color reflected!

Jack said...

Clever reflection shot, James. Thanks for starting and maintaining this meme. Many of us have fun with it.

Sylvia K said...

What a terrific capture and reflection, James! You do manage to find such awesome subjects to photograph! I love it! Hope you have a lovely weekend! And thanks as always for the Friday fun!!


Anonymous said...

The reflections are wonderful, the colors so rich. I really like this one James.

Lew said...

Very fashionable! And a great reflection! (But I don't think my wife would go for a big fish in the front yard.

Francisca said...

What a clever way to share your sense of humor, James. And your night shot is again a stellar one.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 years!! The koi look cool under the reflections!

Ebie said...

Congratulations! I remember that time when you wrote about what type of meme you want to do. Right choice. Two years and still going strong!

This is a beautiful shot!

Malyss said...

Congratulations! Two years!Time runs fast when one's with good friends!
Great reflections to celebrate this anniversary!

Francisca said...

PS. And congrats on the 2nd year anniversary, James! It's been fun playing along since July 3, 2010, my third post! Thanks much for hosting!

Alexa said...

Excellent timing with this shot, James—and a great composition. Congrats on 2 years of reflections! I discovered this fun meme 2 months after you started it—and hope to be playing along for a good long while.

Anonymous said...


My reflection choice is up. Stop on over when you get a moment.

Jottings From Jersey

Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, 2 years is amazing. Congratulations. Love that shot, such warm colors and the reflections are gorgeous.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I have learned so much about reflections since participating in this meme... There are some very creative and talented people from all over the world.

Nice night reflection with fountains!


Leovi said...

I love that night i light, delicious colors and beautiful reflections in the water, very painterly.

Nefertiti said...

Magnifique photo,bravo et bon w end

Karen said...

Two! A marvellous shot James.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, James! Fantastic shot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful picture! Congratulations on the Anniversary and thanks for doing this wonderful meme..

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful picture! Congratulations on the Anniversary and thanks for doing this wonderful meme..

Simon said...

Another great photo. I love how the arch of water in the fish mouths echo the arches in the architecture. Fabulous.

Unknown said...

Congratulations James - times flies when you enjoy doing something:) Maybe I have to visit Fashion Island again, I have no idea where these fish are! Beautiful capture!

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful reflections ! I first thought it was in Las Vegas !

NatureFootstep said...

I like the angle you used for this shot. And the ligh in it of course. :)

Dina said...

I love your spewing fish and colors and reflections.
Two years already! Thanks, James, for all the work you do here to keep us hunting for more reflections to share.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous my friend. Two years definitely goes quickly. How fun it's been. Here's to many many more.

TexWisGirl said...

wow! congrats, james! that's awesome!!!

paul said...

Great atmosphere in that shot, James, and well-spotted reflections.

Thank you for this meeting place, and congratulations on two years of running weekend reflections!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Spectacular lighting highlighting a unique moment! Intriguing! Beautiful!

Karl said...

Great night shot, James!
Have a nice we.

B i r g i t t a said...

Looks like a very nice place :)

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful photo, James. Just a quick question: how long did it take you to train the fish to do that? :o)
Congratulations on two years of reflections!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Owen said...

Looks like even the fish is reflected as it decides whether to swim through hoops or go around them. You certainly have a sharp eye for the strange and unusual happenings as light bounces all around you, and some of it gets into your visual field.

Major congratulations on the second reflections birthday, it's been lots of fun, and here's looking forward to another two years, minimum ! You put in a lot of hours, I know, to make this all happen, but it certainly has brought a lot of folks together here... GREAT JOB JAMES !!! said...

Seems like you started this yesterday! Congratulations & a big thank you for hosting such a fun meme James.
: )

Sara Chapman said...

One of my top fave memes. And your stellar work continues to enchant and inspire. Thank you!

Nature Rambles said...

Congrats on completing two years!! Although I came in late, I'm glad to be a part of your wonderful meme. Your photo is stunning!!

Valerie said...

A clever composition James - most effective! Congratulations on your anniversary. I'm new to blogging and am learning so much about reflections through this meme. Thank you.

s.c said...

Great shot James. NIce to have a fish be so kind to swim through the reflection. Also nice soft colors. Thanks for showing.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Congrats to 2 years! Your photo is great :)

desertsandbeyond said...

Beautiful photo and congrats! You are such an inspiration for me! Keep it up!

Tina´s PicStory said...

I have changed my blogname. So if you have any links to me, please change them, otherwise nothing is working. Thank you so much! :) Tina

Fabien said...

Bon anniversaire à ce blog alors. Superbe photo.

Jane said...

Beautiful shot, James , and a happy 2nd birthday to your fine blog:)

DawnTreader said...

A picture well worthy of a 2nd anniversary... Congratulations!

Dimple said...

I remember when you started it, I was a relatively new blogger then! It is fun!

I like your fish!

Thérèse said...

Two years already!
Bon anniversaire James!
Way to go.

Margaret Gosden said...

It is two fish wanting to eat at McDonalds! Strong and something on which to reflect this week...

Small City Scenes said...

Congrats on 2 years. Pretty cool.

Love the fishy shot. MB

Gypsy Lala said...

Wonderful reflection, I love the color in the water.

Elisa N Viajes said...

Bizarre indeed
Have a nice wekend James
Elisa, Argentina

T. Becque said...

Gorgeous and happy two years! A great thing you're doing!

Owen said...

PS Left you a veritable virtual festival of Paris reflections to celebrate our mutual blog birthdays, so do drop by, the soap balloons bubbles are out by the door to help you find the way !

Debbie said...

wonderful capture and congrats on 2years!! i have visited a few of these people, amazing talent here!!

Stickup Artist said...

Oh, I'm so glad I did not miss saying Happy 2 Year Anniversary! Here's to many more. Love the mix of warm and cool tones in your photo!

Sar@h said...

Happy blogday to weekend reflections !

Pat Tillett said...

Nice! I've seen this reflection many times, but never noticed the fish swimming through the ring of water! Good eye!