Friday, October 21, 2011

Mysterious Yellow Woman (Weekend Reflections # 109)

Costa Mesa, California

What is she doing? Look into her eyes and her thoughts become clear she's thinking about travel. Can you see it? Paris is written on her face and Tokyo's nearby but she's only a reflection in a window.

If needed, please click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Malyss said...

Whatever she's thinking about, she's absolutely beautyful!

Leovi said...

Wow! Beautiful and sensual. I like that nice reflection.

Carletta said...

I think blogger ate my comment so I'll try again.
You 'caught' a very beautiful lady.
Awesome reflection James!
Carletta@Round The Bend

Jack said...

Exceptional, James. Good work.

Ebie said...

Wow, I think she wants to go to Paris, I saw the Eiffel.

Dianne said...

Very Parisian James - clever shot!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, so Paris indeed!! Terrific capture, James! Thanks as always for the Friday fun! Hope you have a great weekend!


Kathryn Dyche said...

Wow, loving this capture James. Such a great shot.

Ms. Becky said...

I think this may be my favorite of all your fantastic reflection shots!!! it's very clever and I love everything about it. happy weekend to you James, and thanks for hosting WR each week.

Anonymous said...

Very creative composition with great a great reflection.

Lois said...

She looks like she is having trouble deciding which destination to pick! Very nice.

Unknown said...

What gorgeous portrait! Love this entry, James.

Lúcia said...

This shot is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!
She is so beautiful, you found a great model for this very good shot (BTW this is a photo class)!
Have a good weeekend James!

Alexa said...

Well done, James! I'd like to tell this woman, "No need to check out your reflection. You look just fine!"

Harry Snowden said...

Love your yellow reflection image...awesome!

Phyllis said...

another great reflection James - you seem to find all of the gorgeous women!

imac said...

WOW James, The reflecting Lady - wonder who, what, why, many a thought runs thru my mind?

Nature Rambles said...

It's such a wonderful capture!

Inger-M said...

That's a very beautiful reflection shot!
I had problems linking up today, and eventually I ended up with 2 entries, 35 and 36. Could you remove one of them; I can't find a way to do it. Sorry about that! :-)

Ingrid said...

Great picture ! Real nice reflections !

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice James! What a beauty...

Betty Manousos said...

you're so creative!
love this.:)

have a great weekend!


Pat said...

James, that's positively stunning. So mysterious, and the pale colors....

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful romantic mystery of a dreaming moment! Simply gorgeous!

Simon said...

Can I just be at WOW? I love this. If I took it, I'd definitely hang this one on the wall. Fantastic....I guess I can't just be at wow, it's not enough. Happy weekend James.

NatureFootstep said...

the reflection of the gird sits where it should. Looks great.

Gine said...

J'adore ! Le texte, l'image, le portrait ... bravo !

s.c said...

Great reflection again James

Karen said...

That's a unique capture James, she seems to be in another wrold.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding James! This is a great portrait. Oh yeah, pretty decent reflection as well. LOL

Dimple said...

This is a gorgeous image, James! Bravo!

lotusleaf said...

Great photo! So creative.

Laura said...

what an awesome reflection James...I love her expression too...beautiful!

Sara Chapman said...

What a beauty. And your photo, too!

Carole M. said...

a brilliant example/reflections!

namaki said...

When I first saw the reflection of this young woman , I startled ! I thought 'Wow, Naamah !" It's my daughter who currently lives in California. The ressemblance is amazing! .... but it still could be her, I still have a doubt... it's a reflection after all !
Very good picture by the way !
Have a good week end !

Hooked on Memes said...

So beautiful! Stunning! Great post!

Eden said...

Very nice reflection shot. Love it.

Sar@h said...

Lovely Capture ! Sensual …

Kaori said...

What an alluring photo!

EG CameraGirl said...

I don't blame her for dreaming about Paris. :)

Stickup Artist said...

What a moment. What a beautiful girl. If I didn't know better I would swear she was a professional model or actor, highly paid to strike a pose, make a dramatic gesture, and create a mood. I love her matching bracelet and necklace and how that motif pace off against the graphics. Great eye, great instincts!

forgetmenot said...

Great reflection--and what a beautiful, senual woman. Mickie :)

Serline said...

A beauty on a mirror. Very much like a fashion magazine. I love it!

Unknown said...

I wonder if she got to go and also hope she wasn't in hiding...

Unknown said...

James, thanks for that! I have witnessed too many women who have been stalked (I was one) that I get concerned for people's privacy. I am so happy she got to go. You were sweet to let me know.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic reflection, so surreal.

Owen said...

Ah James, excellent, if you hadn't taken that photo, I would have had to... the next time passing through Costa Mesa. Whenever that may be. She must break a lot of hearts...

Anonymous said...

Neat shot,bravo