Friday, June 15, 2012

A Day at the Beach (Weekend Reflections # 142)

Newport Beach, California (Corona Del Mar) Last winter.

 Have a great weekend!

Please only link posts that have picture/s of reflections. 
If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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TexWisGirl said...

oh, that is a great shot! the red jacket makes this photo!

Sylvia K said...

What delightful reflections for the day, James! I love your capture for the day! Hope you have a great weekend and thanks as always for the Friday Fun!!


Nefertiti said...

tres jolie photo bravo !

Malyss said...

There's nothing more delicious than walking barefoot on a sand beach!Et tu as très bien rendu cette sensation de plaisir dans ta photo! j'adore!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot and I agree with TexWisGirl, the jacket makes the shot.

Gerald (SK14) said...

The beach eh - I thought it was wet pavements - but then of course it never rains in Southern California as the old song said.

NatureFootstep said...

I hope it was just a rainy day and not a flooding.

Francisca said...

I'm super craving a day at the beach... maybe soon! Nice catch, James.

Luis Gomez said...

Love it! Can almost feel the water.

Dina said...

Your photo gives a wonderful feeling.

Dianne said...

What a great reflection shot ... Red reflects SO beautifully.

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour James!
It's a beautiful image, the girl with the red tshirt is cute.It's so nice this feeling of vacations...I mean about the beach. are in Dallas again?
Really cool!
Hugs and a nice weekend,

Pat said...

What a wonderful shot of fun at the beach! I really like these people-walking-in-the-wet-sand photos. Great shot, James!

Lúcia said...

I'd love to walk along this beach and play with the reflections! ;-)

Unknown said...

Guess we had the same idea for this week, James! Only your much more adept at reflections:) Have a great weekend!

Scrappy Grams said...

what fun reflections!

Alexa said...

I think this is one of your best yet—and that's saying something, because they're all great!

Catherine said...

Stunning shot in every way.....

Leovi said...

Delicious reflections on the beach, beautiful picture.

TheChieftess said...

I love this one James!!! The colors and the reflections are wonderful!!! Great composition too!

Becky said...

Excellant shot. Great catch. Love all the bare feet!

Wayne said...

That's so nice, a mom and daughter enjoying the beach. I'll hopefully be at the beach in a few weeks, can't wait!!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This weather is perfect for a day at the beach... love the RED in this reflection!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

your cover photo, weather still cold , or did you tell your model to wear the striking jacket for this photo.

Linda said...

What a great shot! Love the color in that jacket - and the reflections are perfect! Thanks for hosting.

Dianne said...

the ripples and the red are beautiful
this is a joyful photo

Amy Burzese said...

What a great shot!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot, James.

Thanks for hosting!

Margaret Gosden said...

Gorgeous photo - and I happen to be going to the beach tomorrow!

Liz said...

I LOVE beach reflections!! And what makes it even more special is that I have been there!! (on my USA, UK, Europe trip in 2010)
Perfect reflection shot, James. Wonderful colours.

Lew said...

Looks like a delightful day at the beach!

Unknown said...

I love the colour in this one James!

imac said...

What a shot James - reflection wet feet.

Now posting Scottish Isles holiday.

trump said...

Reminds me of my New York city days as a kid going to the beach with my mom. Nothing like the smells of the beach, I mean that in a good way! Richard

Simon said...

I don't think of you as the reflection maestro for nothing. Love this shot-nice vibrant colors, and a touch of abstractness in the water. Sorry I missed the link-I'm getting ready to go to Cuba (unexpectedly) and am running around taking care of a gazillion loose ends. I'll try to get in for next Friday. Hope all is well my friend.