Friday, June 29, 2012

Piazza della Repubblica (Weekend Reflections # 144)

Florence, Italy (window reflection)

It rained a couple of times while I was in Florence last December and I was glad because it increased my chances of finding reflections.  I posted another reflection from this trip at my other blog. This is a reflection in the window of a bank and the photo at my other blog is a reflection in a puddle. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

Please only link posts that have picture/s of reflections. 
If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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TexWisGirl said...

that's neat! you made me laugh - you're probably the only person who wishes for rain on a trip. :)

Malyss said...

HAHA, je vois un banc! :o)
J'adore Florence, c'est une de mes villes préférées au monde. Et je la trouve encore plus belle quand il pleut!Magnifique reflet, comme toujours! Bonne fin de semaine à toi aussi!

Sylvia K said...

Yes, you made me laugh, too, James and it was just what I needed this morning!! Love your reflection for the day -- as always! Have a great weekend!


Dianne said...

the shot has a wonderful dream like quality
perfect for the scene

Tina´s PicStory said...

great shot! like always :)

Simon said...

What is it about Carosels that make them such an appealing subject. Don't like rain, but you sure made lemonade. Fantastic image James.

Lúcia said...

I agree with you, it's cool to have photos of the places I visit in different weather conditions.
Have a good weekend James! ;-)

Luis Gomez said...

Wow! Beautiful shot James. Very cinematographic somehow.

imac said...

Love it James, had to look twice to see that it was a reflection

Linda said...

What a great shot - make use of what you have - I like that!

Thérèse said...

Les blancs parapluies ajoutent à la magie du toit du carroussel.

Taken For Granted said...

That is a great reflection of the carousel. Somehow that carousel looks very familiar.

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice James! It's a little bit eerie also...

Dianne said...

Rainy days do have some compensations James ... a beautiful reflections capture.

Lew said...

This one is nice, but the other one is superb! It perfectly reflects the mood of the day and the couple.

TheChieftess said...

Great shot James! Almost like looking through the veil on the other side of life!!!

Valerie said...

A wonderful capture James, despite the rain. Thanks for hosting and sharing.

Unknown said...

Great reflection, even with the signs of rain it looks like a fun place to be. Have a good weekend.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Very atmospheric, almost ghostly reflection, James. Very nice!

Thanks for hosting.

Becky said...

Awesome reflection. I love carosels!

Naquillity said...

such a beautiful reflection. i'm sure the kids wish it wasn't raining so they could enjoy a ride on that carousel. have a great weekend~

Alexa said...

Like Malyss, I too love Florence, and I know this carrousel well—thanks for taking me back, James!

lotusleaf said...

I wish we had some of that rain here!

RobertN said...

Wonderful! Have a great weekend!

Andy said...

This is a fantastic reflection. It's a bonus from your trip to Florence.

lotusleaf said...

Sorry, the link has disappeared!I could not link it to your meme.

s.c said...

Great reflection again James. Thanks for showing.

Unknown said...

Maybe people don't wish for rain on a trip, but we certainly could use some and I like rain. It is so refreshing!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Your rain looks good to me ... we have had so little of it. The reflection enhances the weather conditions ... I could almost smell the rain when I looked at it. Very nice ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Scrappy Grams said...

brilliant reflection! so fun

Cezar and Léia said...

A poetic and romantic image, I'm always enchanted by carousels!

trump said...

Looks like its through a window, very different! Happy July 4 to everyone and Id like to invite everyone to my post "Lancaster on 4 wheels part 2 this coming Thursday. Richard

Nefertiti said...

tres reussi avec du retard bravo ;o)