Friday, September 7, 2012

Front Row Seats? (Weekend Reflections # 154)

Venice, Italy

Front row seats for a reflection? No these ladies weren't even looking at the reflection right in front of them. I don't blame them because in Venice you can look anywhere and be amazed.

Have a great Weekend!

Please only link posts that have picture/s of reflections. 
If needed, click the link near the top right corner for Weekend Reflections instructions. Now, lets have some fun with Weekend Reflections!

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Nefertiti said...

Tres joli detail de la flaque,bravo ;o)

bon w end !

Sivinden said...

So many stories in one picture! - and what a great perspective - and a very detailed reflection in the middle of it all.

Malyss said...

Le reflet est tellement net qu'on dirait presque qu'il est rajouté! Ah, que c'est beau, Venise ...(soupir)

TexWisGirl said...

wow! what a great puddle catch!

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonder why the title is posted but not the photo??? help!

CameraCruise said...

Great shot, love the composition!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Sylvia K said...

I do love your captures of Venice! Lots of stories in one pick indeed!! Have a great weekend, James!!

Luis Gomez said...

What a beautiful capture James. Great eye!

'Tsuki said...

I fisrt saw Venice, of course ; I was so stunned by your capture that I almost missed the puddle reflection in front of those young ladies...

Nice work, James, I love it !

Simon said...

I always enjoy seeing your Venice shots...getting a peek of what it's like. Perhaps I'll one day get there, but lack of $$-for now I'll just travel thru you. Aren't you clever finding that one piece of roofline. I think the women were sitting too low to see that one. Who knows? Happy weekend James.

McdsM said...

J'ai cherché et j'ai trouvé cette dentelle italienne. Super !

Maude Lynn said...

Amazing reflection!

Lorac said...

Now that was a cool find for a reflection shot! Nice work!

Alexa said...

So true, James! Venice is such a feast for the eyes. I know exactly where you were—the last time I was there, it was completely under water.

Gerald (SK14) said...

such a clever understated reflection from you this week.

Wayne said...

That reflection is really interesting - the top of the building is so detailed. Nice!!

joo said...

Gorgeous photo, James!
Have a great weekend:)

Gemma Wiseman said...

The women are positioned in such a way that they seem to be waiting for some "puddle performance"! Great photo!

Becky said...

You do find the coolest reflections. Happy weekend.

Lúcia said...

Wow, what a cool shot James!
It's amazing how many things we can see in this photo, and again, a very inteligent composition, I like the leading line and the subtle sense of humour the two ladies adds to the picture!
You know how I love your blogs, don't you?
Have a good weekend! :)

Monica S Engell said...

Wonderful shot from this fantastic city! So many interesting details in your photo!
Have a nice weekend:)

Pat said...

Great reflection shot in the puddle! Now I can see what the rooftop of the building looks like. Thanks for hosting this fun meme, James!

Halcyon said...

I don't blame them either, it's such a beautiful city!

Valerie said...

That reflection is well spotted James. Bbrrrr .... it looks cold there. Wishing you a fabulous weekend.

s.c said...

Great shot of venice with that bend in it. Also the 2 sitting persons in the front make the composition more attractive to the eye. Great one James.

Cezar and Léia said...

Still a nice puddle, though... :)
God bless you!

namaki said...

That's where we recognize a true "reflections hunter" ! What an eye ! this is perfect and such an unusual view of Venice ! Bravo !

Linda said...

Your ability to find the reflections is truly amazing! I had nothing to offer this sadly, will miss linking up!

Scrappy Grams said...

You found the only spot of water that reflected! BTW, lovely shot!

Unknown said...

I can see you were there early in the day to catch your reflections! Isn't it a great city to take pics?

Unknown said...

I don't think the ladies were looking at all. Perhaps they were reminiscing or planning an outing...

Carole M. said...

Venice would be a lovely destination to explore; wonderful 'reflection' in the puddle

RaeAbigael said...

i'm in love with this =)
your blog is so cool too!
Hope you could visit my blog too and follow :)

Rae Abigael
Raellarina- The Ballerina on Fire

Dianne said...

wonderful scene!
fantastic little puddle picture

Owen said...

Only you, James, would have been checking out the puddles while strolling in Venice ! And we are the richer for it. May your puddles be plentiful everywhere...